Keywords: alveoli, capillaries, oxygen, glucose, Keywords: lactic acid, exercise, muscles, energy, cramp B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments How is anaerobic respiration different to aerobic respiration? What is EPOC Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption? Aerobic respiration The lungs are full of tiny air sacs called alveoli surrounded by capillaries. Describe how oxygen enters the blood in the lungs and carbon dioxide leaves. There is a diagram to help you. What is diffusion? Draw a particle diagram to explain what you mean. It is possible to jog for five hours why is it not possible to sprint for 5 hours? EXERCISE What happens to the heart rate and breathing rate during exercise? Why? What is the word equation for respiration why do we need to respire? Cardiac volume = stroke rate x heart rate What do the following mean? Cardiac volume = Stroke rate = Heart rate =
Keywords, glucose, starch, concentration gradient, sunlight, energy, chloroplasts Keywords: chlorophyll, stomata, guard cell, waxy cuticle, gas diffusion, B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments Label the different parts of a leaf and explain how each is adapted for photosynthesis Osmosis What is osmosis and why dies it occur. Draw particle diagrams to explain your answers. What is diffusion? Draw a particle diagram to explain what you mean. If the stomata on a leaf is blocked why will the plant die? What is the word equation for photosynthesis and why do plants do it? Which part of the plant is responsible for photosynthesis? Draw a cell of this below
Keywords: high concentration, low concentration, concentration gradient, water movement Keywords: partially permeable membrane, water molecules, water vapour B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments How does the environment affect organisms living in it? What are the following objects used for? Osmosis What is osmosis and why dies it occur. Draw particle diagrams to explain your answers. What is active transport, how is it different to diffusion and osmosis? Transpiration How is water moved around the plants? (Hint keywords; evaporation, diffusion, xylem). What conditions affect the rate of transpiration and how do they affect it? What carries a)Water and salts around the plant? b) Glucose around the plant?