Waveguides M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE meeting at LBNL 09.Feb.2005
Connector Map for KEK beam test 126 Way Bulkhead Connector 1 Bulkhead Connector 2 Bulkhead Connector 3 Bulkhead Connector 4 Bulkhead Connector 5 G.Barber
Waveguide inside cylinder 2piR=1256mm 1256/1.05 = ~1200 fibers on circle ~650 channels/station 650*5/1200 = 2.7 layers = 2.8 mm thick Radius at the extraction should be > 50 mm 2.8mm 400mm R>50mm 22-way 20-way 128-way
Waveguide outside solenoid ファイバーを切るときは、はさみ、ニッパーは使わずに ホットナイフを使ってください。 4000±25 D0 connector (128 holes) 1.05mm clear fiber×128 本 … Connector surface 遮光チューブ② ( 28.5×3200mm) boots 繋ぎの筒が D0 ブーツから抜けないように、 あらかじめ接着剤でとめてください。 500±5 3200± ±10 遮光チューブ① ( 21.2×500mm) 熱収縮チューブ( 10cm ) 遮光チューブはここ(山)で切ってください。 400±10
Quality Assurance Previous productions have a few % bad channel Careful QA will be performed in the next production Cut clear fibers into pieces of 410cm (or shorter for inner waveguides) by a hot-knife Check the fibers by eyes –Crack / Kink –Bump with strange diameter Cramp fiber bundle with plastic piece at the both ends, Glue them, and Polish by diamond cutter Check strange light transmission in the fiber bundle Then, cut off the glued ends, and connectorize them into connectors
Status Design of Outer waveguide is fixed –4m-long 128-way to 128-way Length of inner waveguide will be fixed –120cm-long 128-way to 4x22way + 2x20way Clear fibers has been placed order, will be delivered on Feb.24th 3 of existing 126-way waveguides will be modified for the 4 th station in this month 1 brand-new 128-way waveguide in the end of Feb. Inner waveguides will be produced in March.