The importance of minerals. It sources and functions of minerals. The deficiency symptoms of mineral.
Importance's of minerals Minerals are inorganic material that originate in the earth. They play important roles in various bodily functions and are necessary to sustain life and maintain optimal health, and thus are essential nutrients. All nutrients such as vitamins, protein, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugar, oil etc requires minerals for proper cellular functions. All bodily processes depend upon the action and the presence of the minerals. Minerals are more important to nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins are required for every bodily biochemical process. However, vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
Majors minerals 1. Calcium (Ca)- Sources- The best sources of calcium is milk and milk product such as cheese, curds, eggs and fish The cheap sources are from green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, soya beans etc…
Functions- Normal growth and development. Help in keeping the bones and teeth strong. Insure the proper functioning of muscle and nerves. Help in blood clotting and regulating blood pressure. Help to prevent muscle or leg cramp.
Deficiency symptoms- keletal abnormality such as osteopenia, osteoporosis, rickets. Tetany Hypertension (high blood pressure) Premenstrual cramp.
2. iron(Fe) Sources- Fish, beans, leafy vegetables, fortified bread, egg York etc… functions- Plays important role in production of white blood cell. Activities of the immune system.
help in energy production and cell diffusion. Deficiency symptoms- Lack of iron cause anemia. Fatigue Weakness Rapid heart beat.
3.Magnesium(Mg) Sources- Diary foods, nuts, meat, fish, green leafy vegetables, breads etc… Functions- Synthesis of bone and teeth. Helps body to turn blood sugar into energy. Activates cellular enzymatic activity.
Deficiency symptoms- Rapid heart rate Muscular twitching Hypertension 4. Sodium (Na)- Sources- Rocks, sea, meat, fish, egg, pickled food etc…
Functions- Helps in maintaining water balance. Helps in conduction of nerves impulse. Deficiency symptoms- hyponatremia (low sodium level). Loss of reflexive movement. Shock due to low blood pressure.
5.potassium- Sources- banana, water melon, tomato, orange etc… functions- Conduction of nerve impulse. Maintaining proper fluid balance. Maintain blood pressure. Needed with sodium to maintain electrical potential across cell membranes.
Deficiency symptoms- Muscular weakness. Fatigue. Nervous and heart deterioration. Weak memory and temporary memory loss.
6. phosphorus- Sources- milk, grains, fish, diary foods, chickens, peanuts, eggs, etc… functions- Synthesis of ATP. Maintain acid- base balance in body. Healthy bones and teeth.
Deficiency symptoms- Loss of appetite. Joint pain and stiffness. Less energy and susceptible to infections. Weak or fragile bones and teeth.
References- Clegg. C. J & Madiean.D.G. (2007). ADVANCED principles and applications. Hoddder Mumay in print of Hodder education: London. Green. N. P., Stout. G. W. & Taylon. D. T. (2006). Biology science. Replilea press: Cambridge University. Rastogy. (2007). ISCE Biology for Class xii. Cambridge University: India. Verma. P. S & Srivav. P. S. (1997). ISC Zoology. S. Chand company Ltd: New Delhi.
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