Minor Injuries
Muscle Cramp Sudden and sometimes painful contractions of the muscles Occur when muscles are: –Tired –Overworked –Dehydrated Treatment –Stretch and massage –Drink water
Strain Injury to a muscle or tendon Tendons attach muscles to bones
Sprain Injury to a ligament Ligaments attach bones to bones
Treatment for minor injuries (Protect from further injury) R.I.C.E. REST ICE – 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off COMPRESSION ELEVATION
Tendonitis Tendons are inflamed or swollen Ice and rest
Major Injuries
Fractures Break in the bone Closed fracture (simple) – bone stays in the skin Open fracture (compound) - bone breaks through the skin.
Dislocation Separation of the bone from the joint **Do not try to put back into place**
Treatment for fractures and dislocation Immobilize Call 911 or go to ER
Concussion Results from a blow to the head Can cause swelling of the brain Warning signs include: –Headache –Vomiting –Dizziness –Loss of memory Seek medical help immediately