MuTRG for Run12 RIKEN/RBRC Itaru Nakagawa 1
Run12 Schedule 14 Cryoweeks -> Mid Jan. ~ End of April GeV pp (2+3 weeks) GeV pp (1+6 weeks)? 500 GeV pp (2+5 weeks) GeV Au-Au (2+3 weeks)? Else ?
Travel Schedule Month Dec.Jan.Feb. Week BNL Tasks Itaru Katsuro Yoshimitsu Kentaro Cramp SG1 Cosmic Run w/ SG1 Trigger Cosmic Timing Possible speed up by 20ns Itaru? Yoshimitsu, Sanghwa, Hide, Kentaro Itaru SG1+RPC1 Timing Joe Collision 3
Shift 4
Cosmic Data Taking pre-Run12 Purpose – SG1 trigger efficiency study for high momentum – Real high momentum track sample collections – Cross Talk Effect before/after recapacitation – Position/Momentum Resolution SG1 Startup for Cosmic (Jan. 3 ~) Katsuro, Joe – LL1 Width=7, low threshold~20mV, LOGIC=OR – Run Stability Monitor RPC Commissioning (Jan.3 ~ mid Jan.) RPC1 Integration (mid Jan.) Itaru, Joe? – Timing Tune with SG1 Trigger Need to Cover 24 hour shift by FWD group – May need to cover 3 rd week of Jan. Who can travel? 5
6 Invariant Mass Distribution of + - ϒ-states J/Ψ Drell Yan charm beauty 4 GeV < M < 10 GeV Background (bottom,Charm) Separation using FVTX 4 GeV < M < 10 GeV Background (bottom,Charm) Separation using FVTX 1.2<y<2.4 New Physics with Forward VTX Detector Installed for Run12 Fwd VTX
New SG3/SG5 Trigger for Heavy Flavors SG1 Trigger MuID Trigger W MuID SG3/5 SG1 7
Consideration Trigger Map Develop SG3/SG5 Trigger Map John Lajoie LANL postdoc (Jin) From our group? Operating Condition Optimized for SG1 at 500GeV Unique optimization for SG3/5 at 200 GeV SG3/SG5 Rates Need prescale? Turn on Curve Essential semi- online analysis -> Sanghwa 8
Special Run Low B-field? Re-cap Effect (Yoshimitsu, Kentaro) – 1x1 (3?) bunch collision Analysis Software ready? Hit Rates vs. Beam Clock – Zero suppression off data taking Peak Strip ADC vs. Negative shoot BBC Rate Dependent Plane Hit Rate/SG1 Rate 9
Complete GTM Delay Scan GTM delay needs to be optimized to get the best SG1 trigger efficiency 10
Timing spectra of MuTrig GTM delay [ns] 2BCLK width integration 3BCLK width integration Efficiency GTM delay [ns] Efficiency ~ 0.9 /station Efficiency ~ 0.7 /station GTM delay Scan 11 Analysis Software Needs to be Available in Beginning of Jan. (Sanghwa)
GTM Delay Map LOGIC ThresholdLL1 Width [mV]23 OR AND2 (St1) All AND Offline Analysis By Yoshinori Fukao OR AND2 12
Things to be addressed during commissioning GTM Delay Scan Map Why only North Station-2 Timing is slower than other octants? – Low Gain? -> May be resolved by Ar enriched gas mixture? ADTX failure mode study by test pulse Address why North SG1 Rates is factor of 3 higher than that of South? Noisy channel check. High trigger rates in particular section? – Octant by Octant SG1 rate (Do we have software?) 13
Errors OK! Bad ADTX Boards 2011 May 21, Au-Au (Elog entry 878) MRG ID.74 (South Oct.3, St.2 HOct.0) Ch.5 [S, St2, Oct3, Chs4, Brd1] 2011 May 18, Au-Au (Elog entry 877) MRG ID.125 (North Oct.6 St.3 HOct.2) Ch.3 [N, St3, Oct6, Chs2, Brd2] MRG ID.72 (South Oct.1 St.2 HOct.0) Ch.5 [S, St2, Oct1, Chs4, Brd1] Before Run11 MRG ID.115 (North Oct.4 St.3 HOct.1) Ch.5 [N, St3, Oct4, Chs7, Brd2] MRG ID.123 (North Oct.4 St.3 HOct.2) Ch.1 [N, St3, Oct4, Chs1, Brd1] Fiber connection between ADTX MRG was inspected. No anomaly was found. Frequent error may be reproduced by test pattern. (To be tested) <- accessible 14
Backup 15
Heavy Flavor Background Suppression 16 ϒ-states J/Ψ Drell Yan charm beauty
Trigger Emulator Development MuTr Detector Response MuTr Model Drift Time Charge Sharing … ADTX Hit AND OR Logic LL1 Width … Trigger Efficiency Trigger Map Developed by Yoshi Fukao Under Development by Hide Towards absolute prediction of W and background yields 17
Slide made by Hide Oide 18