Cramps & Cramping Quiz
Pipe Cramp Sash Cramp G Cramp 1. What is the correct name for this tool? Toolmakers Cramp Quick Grip Cramp Mitre Cramp
2. What is Dry Cramping? Making sure the wood is dry before you glue it. Cramping together without glue to see if all joints fit Cramping together using a quick set adhesive Cramping together with glue to check all joints fit
3. Which picture shows the correct way to cramp together a frame?
4. What is the correct name for the tool used to check the frame is square? Try Square Centre Square Engineers Square Set Square
5. What is the purpose of a Squaring Lath? It is used to check the joints fit It is used to check the frame is square It is used to check the size of the frameIt is used to check the frame is flat
7. Which picture shows the correct way to cramp together these boards? (The top cramp has been omitted for clarity)
8. What is the correct name for this plane? Jack Plane A Rebate Plane A Block Plane A Smoothing Plane
Pipe Cramp Sash Cramp G Cramp 9. What is the correct name for this tool? Toolmakers Cramp Quick Grip Cramp Mitre Cramp
Pipe Cramp Sash Cramp G Cramp 10. What is the correct name for this tool? Toolmakers Cramp Quick Grip Cramp Mitre Cramp
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