Country-Level Coordination & the GEF – an Overview
Country Coordination & the GEF GEF Country Level Dialogue Presentation Overview 1.Coordination 2.Responsibilities of the Focal Points 3.Public Involvement 4.Country Support Program for Focal Points (CSP)
Country Coordination & the GEF Why the emphasis on coordination and stakeholder participation? ■Stakeholder involvement is a pillar of the GEF Instrument –Specifies that the GEF must ensure the programs and projects it funds are “country driven” and conducted in “consultation with, and the participation as appropriate, of major groups and local communities throughout the project cycle”. –Availability of project development funds – “PDF” ■Government and public agreement of project goals essential for effective implementation
Country Coordination & the GEF Coordination
Country Coordination & the GEF Definitions of “Coordination” ■“Coordination” has variable meanings in GEF context –Exchange of information on GEF activities –Decisive leadership ensuring all stakeholders moving toward common goal ■Coordination at various levels National Level Council Level International Level
Country Coordination & the GEF Key National Focal Points in Turkey ■Political Focal Point –Memduh Aslan AKÇAY ■Operational Focal Point –Prof. Dr. Hasan Z. SARIKAYA ■Convention Focal Points –Prof. Dr. M. Kemal YALINKILIÇ – UNCBD –Erdoğan ÖZEVREN– UNCCD –Sedat KADIOĞLU – UNFCCC –POPS
Country Coordination & the GEF Categories of national coordination ■National GEF portfolio coordination ■Within economic development, environmental sectors, GEF focal areas ■Individual project level – collaboration across traditional sector boundaries ■Convention level
Country Coordination & the GEF Relationship among the GEF and National Entities at international level Convention Focal Points Operational Focal Points Political Focal Points NATIONAL LEVEL IA Field Offices INTERNATIONAL LEVEL Implementing Agencies GEF Council & Secretariat STAP Constituencies Other Governmental, NGO, Private Industry, Research/Academic, Community Stakeholders
Country Coordination & the GEF Cooperation at Council Level ■Participant of the GEF since 1994 ■GEF Council Member –Leander Treppel, Austria ■Political Focal Point of Turkey –{Name}
Country Coordination & the GEF Turkey is part of the Eastern European constituency ■Turkey ■Austria ■Belgium ■Czech Republic ■Hungary ■Luxembourg ■Slovak Republic ■Slovenia
Country Coordination & the GEF Overview of GEF Constituencies Countries grouped according to their Constituency ■AFRICA6 Constituencies ■ASIA6 Constituencies ■LAT & CARIBB4 Constituencies ■EAST EUR2 Constituencies
Country Coordination & the GEF GEF Governance Structure ■GEF Council meets every 6 months to review and approve all projects, Work Programmes, Business Plans, policies. ■GEF Assembly meets every 3 years to review general policies, operations, and amendments to the GEF Instrument. CONVENTIONS Provides Guidance on Policy & Programme Issues COUNCIL 32 Members: 18 Recipient 14 Donor ASSEMBLY All 176 Participants
Country Coordination & the GEF Relationship Among the GEF, Conventions and National Entities Convention Focal Points Operational Focal Points Political Focal Points NATIONAL LEVEL INTERNATIONAL LEVEL IA Field Offices Implementing Agencies GEF Council & Secretariat STAP Constituencies CBD, CCD, FCCC, POPs Other Governmental, NGO, Private Industry, Research/Academic, Community Stakeholders
Country Coordination & the GEF Cooperation at International Level (indirect) ■Turkey is a Party to the conventions on Biodiversity, Climate Change, POPs and Desertification ■Global political initiatives related to the global environmental agenda
Country Coordination & the GEF Responsibilities of Focal Points
Country Coordination & the GEF GEF Country Level Dialogue RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FOCAL POINTS –Political Focal Point –Operational Focal Point –Convention Focal Points
Country Coordination & the GEF Typical responsibilities GEF Political Focal Point ■Ensure overall policy consistency ■Ensure GEF policies consistent with national policies ■Communicate Government views ■Report on GEF Council Meetings ■Act as in-country Government contact point ■Distribute GEF documents
Country Coordination & the GEF Typical responsibilities GEF Operational Focal Point ■Ensure GEF-activities consistent with national policies and GEF Operational Guidelines ■Identify project ideas to meet country priorities ■Facilitate in-country consultations with stakeholders ■Provide feedback on projects
Country Coordination & the GEF Typical responsibilities Convention Focal Points ■Receive and distribute Convention documentation ■Coordinate national policies consistent with the Conventions ■Communicate Government views ■Act as in-country contact point for consultations ■Report on FCCC, CBD, CCD and POPs conventions
Country Coordination & the GEF Convention Focal Points Operational Focal Points Political Focal Points Receive and distribute Convention documentation Documents and national policies consistent with conventions Communicate Government views In-country contact point consultations Report on conventions GEF-activities consistent with national policies Identify and communicate project ideas to meet country priorities In-country facilitator of consultations Report on projects Overall policy consistency GEF policies consistent with national policies Communicate Government views Report on GEF Council meetings In-country Government contact point Distribution of documents
Country Coordination & the GEF Public Involvement
Country Coordination & the GEF Public involvement ■Non-governmental organizations ■Private sector (business/banks/local and foreign investors) ■Research and academic community ■Other citizen involvement
Country Coordination & the GEF Non-governmental organizations ■Advise civil society on governmental and GEF decisions ■Assist in shaping GEF policies ■Attend GEF council meetings and comment on operational strategies and programs ■Assist in designing and executing GEF projects and inform on monitoring work ■Share lessons learned
Country Coordination & the GEF Private sector ■Provide access to private capital ■Provide access to know how and training ■Provide link with economic activities that affect the global and local environment e.g., energy, transport, agriculture, fisheries –Shift from public to private sector investment
Country Coordination & the GEF Research and academic community ■Participate as STAP Members and on Roster of Experts ■Participate in STAP activities ■Participate in targeted research ■Incorporate and Coordinate input from local scientists and technical experts
Country Coordination & the GEF Benefits of broader public involvement ■Project endorsement process enhanced ■Broader participation in GEF programming facilitated –Partnership building and joint venture opportunities created –Community needs more likely to be addressed ■Understanding and appreciation of GEF broadened and deepened ■Multi-stakeholder knowledge exchange opportunities created, decision making improved ■Key resource for GEF Council members ■Project monitoring facilitated ■Links with key conventions facilitated
Country Coordination & the GEF Constraints of broader public involvement ■National coordination to include all opinions is not easily established ■Involvement of many groups could slow down the project development and approval process ■Increased institutional capacity may be required at government level
Country Coordination & the GEF Country Support Program for Focal Points (CSP)
Country Coordination & the GEF CSP Main Objective ■To strengthen the capacity of the GEF focal points to effectively carry out their mandates for supporting GEF programs in their countries and constituencies, including the improvement of overall national and constituency coordination of GEF issues.
Country Coordination & the GEF Country Support Programme (CSP) for Focal Points Country Support Programme (CSP) – A capacity building programme for GEF Focal Points ■Direct support for GEF Operational Focal Points –Up to $8,000 / year –Based on annual workplan ■Knowledge Management framework –Web-based –Designed based on priorities expressed by GEF Focal Points ■Regional exchange and training workshops –~9 / year –Objectives based on priorities expressed by GEF Focal Points
Country Coordination & the GEF Relationship Among the GEF, Conventions and National Entities Convention Focal Points Operational Focal Points Political Focal Points NATIONAL LEVEL INTERNATIONAL LEVEL IA Field Offices Implementing Agencies GEF Council & Secretariat STAP Constituencies CBD, CCD, FCCC, POPs Other Governmental, NGO, Private Industry, Research/Academic, Community Stakeholders, Donors
Country Coordination & the GEF Facilitation role of Focal Points Convention Focal Points Operational Focal Points Political Focal Points IA Field Offices Promote use of information/knowledge Engagement of stakeholders Contribute to development of nat’l policy Facilitate integrated programming Other Governmental, NGO, Private Industry, Research/Academic, Community Stakeholders, Donors