1) Introduction Koruma Industry Koruma Tarım Established in 1949 Derince chloralkali plant in1963 Changed hand to Vefa İbrahim Araci in 1994 Able to provide, Chloralkali, Agriculture, Transportation Cleaning(products to clean) Packaging Tourism Fields Environmental balance (with St. of ISO 14001.)
Koruma is the first company Having EPKD electricity producer licence Produces energy via natural gas in Derince Koruma’s Envioronment View Using Energy efficient & Environmentally friendly technologies Using scare sources Efficiently
1.1) Effluens from Koruma Industry Cloralkali Industry Wastewater Effluent Types Domestic Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Koruma Industry produce Q (Domestic WW )= 70 m3 /d Q (Industrial WW) = 120m3 /d.
1.2) Domestic Wastewater Treatment System Flow Diagram
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant
Aeration Tank (Aerobic Reactor)
Domestic Wastewater Sedimentation Tank
Baffles At the Effluent DWW
1.3 Industrial Wastewater Treatment It is consist of; Coagulation by a rapid mix Flocculation Tank Sedimentation of Flocs Effluent Discharge
Rapid Mixing Ferric Chloride is added for floc formation Polyelectrolyte for aid Sulfide Chemical (presence of Cl-)
Flocculation Floc Formation Takes Place High HRT value for better contact time Power is supplied by a slow mix
Sedimentation Sedimentation is applied for settling of precipitates Clear Effluent is collected from the surface by a single sided weir Collected Effluent is sent to discharge point
Sludge Management Sludges, collected from clarifiers, are managed seperately Sand filters are used for sludge thickening Thicken sludge is collected and disposed by IZAYDAS
Sand Filters
Discharge IWW and DWW effluents are collected and mixed at discharge point pH is controlled by a pH meter
Effluent Parameters Measurements of effluent are made for discharge standards Discharged water characteristcs are proper for the standards
Design Calculations There are two types of treatment processes which include domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater For domestic wastewater ; Circular Aeration basin dimensions ; diameter=6m depth=6m
Circular sedimentation tank calculation circular sedimentation tank dimensions; diameter=3m depth=2m effluent launder=0.3m Q=70m3/day = 0.00081m3/sec HRT=Volume / Q =14.1 m3 / (70 m3/d x d/24 hr) = 4.83 hr
One sided weir is used in treatment Weir length = (D-2xeff.launder) x π = (3- 0.6) x π = 7,54 m Weir loading = Q / L = (70 m3/d) / (7.54m) = 9.28 m3 /m.d Surface loading calculation; A = = =7 m2 Surface loading = Q / A =(70 m3/d) / 7 m2 =10 m3/ m2d
For industrial wastewater; Q=120m3 / d = 0.014 m3/sec Circular rapid mixing unit basin; Diameter=1 m Depth=1m Rectangular flocculation basin dimensions ; Length=4.5m Width=1.5m Depth=2.5m
Circular Sedimentation basin Dimension; Diameter = 4.5m Depth=3m Eff.launder=0.5 m Rapid mixing unit calculation; HRT= Volume / Q = (0.8 m3) / (120 m3/d x (d/24 hr) x( hr/ 60 min)) = 9.6 min
Flocculation unit calculation; Volume = Length x width x depth = 1.5 x 2.5 x 4.5 =16.875 m3 HRT= Volume / Q = (16.875 m3) / (120 m3/d x (d/24 hr)) = 3.375 hr Sedimentation Unit calculations; HRT= Volume / Q = (47.7 m3) / (120 m3/d x (d/24 hr) )= 9.54 hr
References fs/library?l=/bref_chlor_alkali [Brien-White, 1995] [Ullmann’s, 1996] [Stenhammar] [Kirk-Othmer,1991] [Lindley, 1997]