Significance of Joshua, Israel & Shechem Joshua 24:14-15
Significance of Shechem between twin mountains (Ebal & Gerizim) in district of Samaria 1.Land promised originally to Abraham (Gen. 12:6-7). 2.Jacob bought a parcel of ground (Gen. 33:18-20) 3.Jacob commanded family to put away household idols (Gen. 35:1-4). 4.Moses commanded to write the law on stones & plaster it (Deut. 27:1-8 fulfilled Josh. 8:30-35). 5.Joseph’s bones were buried after conquering land (Gen. 50:24-25; Ex. 13:19; Josh. 24:32) 6.City of refuge (Josh. 20:7) 7.Levitical city (Josh. 21:21) 8.Later Abimelech will be made a city-king (Jud. 9:6), & southern tribes will make Rehoboam king. 9.Old Joshua, great man of faith, gives last farewell address(Josh. 24)
An overview of modern Shechem from Mt. Gerizim. The low mound of the ancient city can be seen on the left.
Shechem, as seen from Mount Gerizim. Mount Ebal in the background
Todd Bolen
Background: Significance of PeopleIsrael People – Israel [God’s people through whom Jesus would eventually be born into the world, and by whom He made His righteous ordinances known, types and shadows anticipating Christ and the gospel] PlaceShechem Place – Shechem [where God originally made the land promise to Abraham & where many other important events in Israel’s history occurred] PersonJoshua Person – Joshua [military leader under Moses, experienced all Israel’s history since Egypt, faithful, & now old man ready to die]
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13). 3.Covenant stipulation & requirements (vss ).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13). 3.Covenant stipulation & requirements (vss ). 4.Agreement to keep the covenant (vss ).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13). 3.Covenant stipulation & requirements (vss ). 4.Agreement to keep the covenant (vss ). 5.Warnings against covenant disobedience (vss ).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13). 3.Covenant stipulation & requirements (vss ). 4.Agreement to keep the covenant (vss ). 5.Warnings against covenant disobedience (vss ). 6.Witnesses (vss ).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Joshua 24 is essentially a Covenant Renewal Ceremony 1.Preamble (“Thus saith the Jehovah, the God of Israel,” vs. 2). 2.A Historical Prologue (vss. 2-13). 3.Covenant stipulation & requirements (vss ). 4.Agreement to keep the covenant (vss ). 5.Warnings against covenant disobedience (vss ). 6.Witnesses (vss ). 7.Depositing of covenant (vs. 26).
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24:14-15 Defined: To have sufficient courage for any purpose; not to be afraid. To meet defiantly,…to challenge to a specified action as a proof of courage or ability
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24: Dare to Make an Independent Choice “but as for me…”
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24: Dare to Make an Independent Choice “but as for me…” 2.Dare to Announce that Choice “but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah”
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24: Dare to Make an Independent Choice “but as for me…” 2.Dare to Announce that Choice “but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah” 3. Dare to Point out Wrongs “…and put away the gods,…”
Dare to Stand Like Joshua Joshua 24: Dare to Make an Independent Choice “but as for me…” 2.Dare to Announce that Choice “but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah” 3. Dare to Point out Wrongs “…and put away the gods,…” 4. Dare to Commit your Family “but as for me and my house,…”