Transforming the business of HE A different way of doing IT 18 th June 2012
Agenda Reasons to change Platform The Nexus Cloud Benefits to the community
Seeded by HEFCE UMF funding Originally intended to support the migration to shared services However market research told us that current priorities are: Process efficiencies Improving the student experience Automating information transfers to external agencies Shared services will follow Origins
Today we have Monolithic IT systems supplemented with add- ons to compensate for shortcomings Processes constrained by what systems allow Lots of workarounds Batch transfers and corresponding delays Poor data quality Etc. The force for change in the sector is strong
Can’t change easily or quickly Introducing new offers takes too long Can’t introduce fine grained services Student and staff experience is sub- optimal Data quality is poor Cost of IT is high The result:
At the intersection of IT architecture and working practices Process steps delivered by services orchestrated into a work flow Internet technologies enable remote services and the use of public information Service Oriented Architecture
Messaging Enterprise Service Bus Workflow orchestration Business rules engine Registry Adapters Nexus SOA Platform Elements
A managed platform
The Nexus cloud 9
The Nexus cloud evolution 10
The Nexus cloud evolution 11
The Nexus cloud evolution 12
The Nexus cloud evolution 13
RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID nexus HEDD RMAS Modules RMAS Modules Our Roadmap
RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities HEDD RMAS Modules RMAS Modules nexus 1 nexus 2 nexus 3
RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities HEDD University Suppliers Services and Products Suppliers Services and Products Data Standards & Adapters RMAS Modules RMAS Modules Nexus 1 Nexus 2 Nexus 3
VLE Quercus RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities Colleges Universities Colleges HEDD University Suppliers Services and Products Suppliers Services and Products Data Standards & Adapters RMAS Modules RMAS Modules Nexus 1 Nexus 2 Nexus 3
VLE Quercus RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities HEDD University Suppliers Services and Products Suppliers Services and Products Data Standards & Adapters RMAS Modules RMAS Modules nexus 1 nexus 2 nexus 3 ESB Community
VLE Quercus RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities HEDD Data Standard Bodies Data Standard Bodies ESB Community University Suppliers Services and Products Suppliers Services and Products Data Standards & Adapters RMAS Modules RMAS Modules nexus 1 nexus 2 nexus 3
VLE Quercus HESA UK BA HEFCE UCAS L A’s SLC NHS TfL RMAS DARE University ESB or Adapter HR VLE SR ID University Universities HEDD Data Standard Bodies Data Standard Bodies ESB Community University Suppliers Services and Products Suppliers Services and Products Data Standards & Adapters RMAS Modules RMAS Modules nexus 1 nexus 2 N Nexus 3 exus 3 N Nexus 3 exus 3
Affordable platform Open Source platform Central ESB costs shared Adaptors freely available– build once: use many Standard integrations reduce cost and risk Community has a say in what we build and what the priorities are Benefits to the community
Common message set makes implementation simpler Independent, sector based help Plug and play services Location independent services Enables most economic infrastructure selection Flexible deployment
Integrations are simpler New services can be added Existing services can be modified and versioned Processes can be personalised Process Agility Quickly and easily!
Make processes better/faster and/or cheaper to run Improve data quality Automate information provision Free up administrator time Improve student and staff experience Minimise provisioning delays Improve cash flows Reduce the cost of IT In practice we can help to
Want to know more? See the demonstration Join our Linkedin group JISC Advance-Nexus Phone
Any questions? Les Ormonde Project Director