Personal Metis Introduction and overview Wim Klerkx, UB Els Verheugd-Daatzelaar, faculty manager Metis FGw March 2011
Content of this presentation Personal Metis and Metis: aim and key definitions Logging in, overview screen Adding new results / upload of fulltext files Status and workflow Journals
What is Personal Metis? Provides access to the UvA Metis database Via browser, inside and outside the UvA domain For individual researchers “Own” results are shown exclusively (including results registered by a co-author) For checking existing results and adding new ones Export possibilities
What is Metis UvA System for registering research input (FGw does not register input via Metis) and output, in order to produce annual or other reports and evaluations Supplies content to the UvA repository DARE, and the national Narcis database Supplies management information
Metis key term: Result General term for all forms of research output: published articles, monographs, conference proceedings, reviews… … but also lectures, significant positions such as editorships, awards or other forms of recognition Result types are combined with a classification: academic / professional / popular; FGw makes use of a combined list of result type and classification (see below under Adding a new result) Classification linked to VSNU and SEP (Standard Evaluation Protocol) definitions, by which academic institutes are periodically evaluated Within the FGw each form of output that can be registered should be registered
Metis key term: research ID Coded name for research programme or project (to be found on: under respectively ACLC, ASCA and IC&G); can also be found in PM in the search list (click on ) and enter uva/fgw/ ) Mandatory Provides the link between result and research programme or project One result can have more than 1 research ID
Log in screen
Overview screen dr. J.M. Lips
(Co-)tutor: if the field is checked, external (not UvA) dissertations where the researcher was (co-)tutor will be included in the list; UvA dissertations are registered by the faculty Result can be edited Upload fulltext to UvA DARE View fulltext: link to UvA DARE (previously uploaded) Menu Settings to change password Userguide: general information, not UvA-specific Exportmenu offers (limited) options for sorting, filtering and formatting Overview screen - explanation
Who can log in? Accounts based on UvA staff administration All scientific staff presently employed, including guests and professors by special appointment … … provided their positions are correctly registered in the staff administration! Monthly update Log in with UvAnetID and default password (see Quick Start Guide available as attachment to this website); password can be changed after first login via Settings When assistance is needed, consult your Metis contact (see wiki under resp. ACLC, ASCA and IC&G) or the Metis faculty manager
Add: adding a new result
Adding a new result Compulsory choice of a combination of type and classification Based on local agreements, to be found on the wiki onderzoeksinformatie ( When in doubt, consult your Metis contact Status: PM – forthcoming or PM – entry finished – the latter applies when the result is ready to be checked Special search screens facilitate the entry of co-authors, titles, journals, research ID (mandatory): click Assistance to be found in the Quick-start manual, in the wiki ( in the screens under ? and in the Userguide menu.
Full text upload File is uploaded to the repository UvA-DARE Preferably do this immediately on registering, the result will be checked with priority But of course you can also do it later In the upload dialogue screen you can indicate that the text of the result itself may not be released When in doubt about access rights or copyright: contact the repository manager at
Status and workflow Before using Personal Metis, the researcher must know who is the Metis contact for his institute or group (see wiki under resp. ACLC,ASCA and IC&G The Metis contact checks the entries and is liaison between researchers and Metis management Status PM - forthcoming: no further action, the result is saved on server and can be edited when you log in again Status PM – entry finished: this result will first be checked by the Metis contact or faculty manager and then by the University Library. After validation the metadata of the publication are uploaded to UvA-Dare. After the check, the status is changed and editing will no longer be possible. Any changes you want to make must then first be approved by your Metis contact.
Journals search screen
Journals Journal titles can vary. In general, the ISSN gives a better identification. “UB OK” and “UB record” after a journal in the search list indicate validated journal titles Use the journal search screen to select the journal of your publication: click If the journal cannot be found, choose “To be decided” as journal title and inform your Metis contact about it.