Multimedia Games Development COM429 Module Overview
Times and Locations Lecture/practical Tuesday 9.15 – Room MG122 Lecture/presentation 9-11 Unity lab 11-2
Contact Details Augusto Gómez Eguíluz Michael Callaghan MS132 Tel:
Online Resources Details of Module specification, learning outcomes, marking schemes and other resources can be found online here Module website Module handout Module specification
Module aims The aims of this module are to: To provide students with a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of the game design and development process To develop the students ability to effectively use multimedia content for games To enhance the students skills and introduce them to industry standard game content authoring tools and game engines
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate their ability to effectively use multimedia content in computer games Identify and apply an appropriate approach to the design and implementation of interactive multimedia games, including requirements gathering and critical evaluation of multimedia solutions, Demonstrate their ability to create game prototypes, incorporating multimedia assets Demonstrate an understanding of industry standard game authoring tools and platforms.
Main Topics Game design/planning/implementation process Primarily using Unity3D
Unity 3D Ecosystem
Assignment weighing & submission deadlines
Submission Deadlines Assignment 1 11/02/14 (Week 3) Assignment 2 25/02/14 (Week 5) Assignment 3 15/04/14 (Week 12)
Assignments Overview Three assignments with a progressive common theme game prototype planning and design Propose, assess and critically evaluate Plan and design Implement 3 x team assignments
Self/group assessment form Each assignment submission must be accompanied by a signed/completed self/group assessment form. A copy of this form is available here … download formdownload form
Assignment 1 Overview Assignment 1: Pitch and present an innovative game for the mobile market and Dare to be Digital Total available marks 20 Team assignment Assignment 1 Due 11/02/14 (Week 3)
Assignment 1 As a team create 2 x short pitch documents/presentations for an innovative game you are going to create that you feel would be successful in the Dare competition Ensure that your game idea could be implemented within the constraints of the competition duration and team size/composition Structure of the document is closely based on the previous application form for Dare to be Digital Pitch document generated should follow the format given. Word limits will be strictly adhered to!
Assignment 1 Game must be suitable for mobile platform e.g. iPad, Android pad Must employ platform appropriate game mechanics and control systems Mechanics needs to be innovative but simple! E.g. multitouch, flick, orientation, tap
Assignment 1 No RPG, FPS, action-adventure genres! Focus on virtual pets, puzzle, arcade, Construction and Management Simulation (CMS) and possibly strategy Genre’s generally better suited for mobile platforms
Industry disruption
iPad/Nexus 7+10/Kindle Fire
Mobile trends
Rise of the indies
Essential viewing
Low barrier to entry
Lost in the crowd God of War Call of Duty Assassins Creed FIFA 2013 Orderly release with big budgets
Pitch Format Pitch document x 2 should be comprised of the following; Concise game description (maximum 100 words) Description of core game play (maximum 100 words) Discussion of market potential of title (maximum 100 words) Discussion of target audience (maximum 100 words) Description of innovation and creativity (maximum 100 words) Discussion of which technology you are using and why? (maximum 100 words) Short work plan clearly showing how you could design a level for your game in the next 9 weeks. (Flexible length but must be concise!)
Project planning Project plan example to use
100 Word Games Pitch There’ll be no trick or treating this Halloween! Slyghoul the Hungry has risen and hasn’t fed for a hundred years. He traps the children of Yew-tree Orphanage and grows stronger from their fears. Only three children escape his grasp, but for how long? Bound by need and circumstance; Lofty, Missey, and Rabbit must uncover their inner strengths to escape. Light, Sound and Friendship are their only weapons to defeat Slyghoul and his minions. Time is running out, the light is fading, help them face their fears and save the others... Or be trapped forever by the Creeping Dark!
Assignment 1 Output Report and class presentation. Report format Size: Must comply with the Dare to be Digital application form format and must be within the stated word limit! Font: Times New Roman, size:12 Spacing:Single line Style:Technical/Formal
Assignment 1 Output Submission Guidelines for presentation Each team will do a 10 minute games pitch of their ideas in week 3 (5 minutes per idea) Focus on key selling point/game mechanic Class votes on 2 ideas and which one to develop further
Assignment 1 Output Submission Guidelines for presentation Powerpoint presentation of appropriate length e.g. 10 minutes = 10 slides Submission Details Assignments should be submitted on day of presentation … before start of presentations!
Assignment 1 Deliverables Hard copy of report and presentation slides CDROM containing digital copy of reports and presentation slides Presentation to class in week 3
Assignment 1 Mark Allocation
Outcome of assignment 1 After the class presentation in week 3 the class will vote on the best idea to go forward and be developed further. The team will then develop and make this game.
Week 3 presentations 10 Minutes presentation, 5 minutes per game and 5 minutes questions
Assignment 2 Overview Assignment 2: Creation of an abbreviated game design document (Preproduction) Total available marks 30 Group assignment (5-6 x Students) Assignment 2 Due 25/02/14 (Week 5) Example document here
Assignment 2 (Preproduction) Create an abbreviated game design document for the game prototype you will create in Unity 3D for Assignment 3. Use game idea from assignment 1 Structure is based on template/examples supplied Report generated should follow the format given as closely as possible, Example document hereExample document here Be realistic on time constraints You must pitch your game to the class in a formal presentation
Assignment 2 Guidelines The document should follow the game design document structure provided and also include accompanying support material Description of game prototype Game prototype concept development material (including rough sketches/photographs) Level layout/ game prototype/design diagram (Level blueprint) and game board App store description mock up (images and text)
Assignment 2 Output Report, supporting material and class presentation Submission Guidelines for report As required following format/template given Submission Guidelines for presentation Powerpoint presentation of appropriate length Submission Details Assignments should be submitted on day of presentation
Assignment 2 Deliverables Hard copy of game design document Print out of app store description CDROM containing digital copy of all report/presentation and supporting material Presentation/pitch to class in week 5
Level blueprint & game board Level blueprint and game board from Level Design for Games, Phil Co
App store description
Assignment 2 Mark Allocation
Assignment 3 Overview Assignment 3: Create a playable level in Unity3D Total available marks 50 Group assignment (5-6 x Students) Assignment 3 Due 15/04/14 (Week 12)
Assignment 3 (Implementation) Design a game level in Unity 3D Targeted at iPad/Nexus type devices Prototype based on the game design document in assignment 2 Must be related to and complement your games pitch Can reuse content/models available online or within Unity 3D provided they adequately referenced but must have a high level of custom content Assignment includes a presentation where the student will detail to the class each stage in development and implementation process and present their final work Gameplay, Gameplay, Gameplay!
Innovative Game play!
Assignment 3 Output Source material, game prototype, screen capture video walkthrough giving overview of level, construction process and game play, class presentation Submission Details Assignments should be submitted on day of presentation Deliverables (submitted on CD-ROM) A playable prototype in Unity with annotation (including.exe) Source code and support material (E.g. Textures, 3DS Max models etc) Copy of class PowerPoint presentation
Assignment 3 Mark Allocation
Deliverables for Week 2 Review Dare website Review last years Dare entries Familiarisation with Unity website Read The No Twinkie articlesThe No Twinkie articles
Recommended Reading Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide Author: R Creighton Publisher: PACKT PUBLISHING (24 Sep 2010) ISBN-10: / ISBN-13: Unity Game Development Essentials Author: W Goldstone Publisher: PACKT PUBLISHING (13 Oct 2009) ISBN-10: X/ISBN-13:
Recommended Reading 3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop Author: Luke Ahearn Publisher: Focal Press; 2 edition (22 Jul 2009) ISBN-10: /ISBN-13: ds Max Modeling for Games: Insider's Guide to Game Character Author: Andrew Gahan Publisher: Focal Press (26 Sep 2008) ISBN-10: /ISBN-13:
Recommended Reading Game Development Essentials: Gameplay Mechanics Author: Troy Dunniway Publisher: Delmar (19 Mar 2008) ISBN-10: /ISBN-13: Game Development Essentials Author: Jeannie Novak Publisher: Delmar Learning ISBN-10: /ISBN-13:
Recommended Reading Game Level Design Author: Ed Byrne Publisher: Charles River Media (Dec 2004) ISBN-10: , ISBN-13: Level Design for Games: Creating Compelling Game Experiences Author: Phil Co Publisher: New Riders (Feb 2006) ISBN-10: , ISBN-13:
Recommended sites
Recommended sites
Recommended sites
Recommended sites Unity 3D Design 3 Unity Tutorials Learn Unity 3D Buzz
Recommended sites Dare to be Digital Ernest Adams Games industry magazine
Module groupwork
Questions? Any questions?
Multimedia Games Development COM429 Module Overview