 Drug Prevention and Education Programs.  There is a growing trend in both prevention and mental health services towards Evidenced Based Practices (EBP).


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Presentation transcript:

 Drug Prevention and Education Programs

 There is a growing trend in both prevention and mental health services towards Evidenced Based Practices (EBP).  Over the last decade there has been a growing emphasis on accountability and evaluation.  ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________  In creating your own proposals be mindful of assessment and evaluation.

 In the 1970’s youth were encouraged to make responsible decisions regarding ATOD use. o Goals involved responsible use which did not interfere with social or emotional functioning.  In the 1980’s the message changed. The U.S. advocated a simple “______________” message for youth. o The U.S. Department of Education advocates educators to only use a clear no use message. o Messages in programs have not always remained consistent. Some models offer a no use message but also imply that youth have choice.

 A Systems Approach to Drug Use Prevention o Analyzes the interconnections between all strategies and pieces them together to function as a whole rather than in isolation.  A Developmental Model for Drug Prevention o Educators use methods that incorporate _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Early Childhood-4-6 Middle Childhood-6-10 Adolescence o Children at these different stages think differently and therefore education attempts should be relevant to appropriate developmental stage

 School Focus Prevention Programs o ________________________emphasize importance of drug free campuses o Lack of knowledge approach assumes that young people use because they are unaware of the adverse effects of drug use Programs target education of risks and dangers of drug use  Community Focus Prevention Programs o Availability- these programs aim to reduce availability of substances by mobilizing community groups o Social climate- the focus is to increase law enforcement, offer strong school prevention programs, and invite parental involvement o Social bonding- _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

 Larger Social Environmental Focus o Advertising- this approach aims to educate youth about the impact of advertising and see through the messages in advertisement. o Mass Media- focus is on education of writers, producers, and directors about the messages they are releasing in hopes they will present a more accurate representation of substance abuse  Family Focus Prevention Programs o Family Dynamics- views drug use as related to family factors and aims to teach effective parenting and communication skills o __________________teaches parents how to effectively teach self discipline and home structure o Parental Modeling- Change and improve parental behavior o Social Control- teaching parents to assert more control over their children’s lives

 According to this perspective the “war on drugs” can only be won by persuading drug users and abusers to stop. o The goal is to make a dent in overall demand affecting the global market for drugs. Advocates efforts like: Mandatory drug testing Punitive measures ______________________ Fines Seizure of property Forfeiture of driver’s licenses Loss of other privileges

 In 1993 the U.S. spent 12.2 billion in drug control efforts. That is 5.6 billion more than in Despite this increase in funding drug use ____________________. o We are clearly losing the “War on Drugs” o What are your thoughts? o What needs to change? o What can be done? o Video Part 1 Video Part 1 o Video Part 2 Video Part 2 o Video Part 3 Video Part 3 o Video Part 4 Video Part 4 o Video Part 5 Video Part 5 o Video Part 6 Video Part 6

 It begins with ______________________. o Talk to kids, your friends, or anyone who looks up to you  Communication also involves listening. o Ask questions, learn, and understand. o Don’t respond with intense anger when children admit use  Remember your own role in the community as a role model. o WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOUR BEHAVIOR SERVES AS AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS.  Get involved with community efforts to reduce drug use

1. Start- its never too early to prevent your children from trying drugs. Build protective factors and let your children know you care. 2. ______________- make efforts to participate in family activities. Eat together, play together, and model fun family interactions. 3. Listen- take an active more in your children’s lives. Know what there interests are and involve yourselves in their social lives. 4. Educate- provide knowledge about drugs and their impact on peoples lives and families

5. Care- express love to your children and show them you have interest in their well being. Let them know you will be there for them when they need it the most. 6. Be Aware- Look for warning signs. Know what to look for. Your pediatrician can help. 7. Learn- continue to educate yourselves. Children are sophisticated. Don’t assume you know everything. 8. ________________set family rules about drugs. Demonstrate family values about drugs 9. Get involved- get involved in community groups. Be an active member of the school or community. 10. Lead- Set the example you wish your children to follow.

 Research confirms the important role of parents in prevention.  Studies indicate that parental attitudes and practices related to alcohol are the strongest influences on children’s use of alcohol and drugs.  In addition the relationship _______________________has also be shown to effect drug usage.  Prevention efforts should utilize parental involvement and aim to educate parents on drug use and related issues.

 “D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 in Los Angeles and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in 75 percent of our nation's school districts and in more than 43 countries around the world”- Dare website  Drug Abuse Resistance Education  Video Video o _________________________________________________ o Has shifted its approach in recent years o Surgeon General’s Office “Overall, evidence on the effects of the traditional DARE curriculum, which is implemented in grades 5 and 6, shows that children who participate are as likely to use drugs as those who do not participate. However, some positive effects have been demonstrated regarding ____________________________________.”