Navy Training Transformation


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Presentation transcript:


Context: Operational Transformation Fleet Response Plan Month of Cycle CSG Employment CSG CSG CSG CSG Shore Trainers Unit Level Deep Maintenance Warfare Comm Btl Grp Comm CSG CSG BGIE Battle Group In port Exercise BGIE-U Unit Level Training BGIE-WC Warfare Commander ·                    Multi-Unit ·                    Individual warfare areas ·                    Distributive in port ·                    For instance: AAW Battle problem would link ships involved in this warfare area together BGIE-GC Group Commander ·                    Multi unit ·                    Multi Warfare ·                    Distributive Architecture in port exercise BGIE-GCT Group Commander Training ·                    Warfare Commander Conference (TTG) MGIT Maritime Group In port Training ·                    USMC ·                    First “Joint” endeavor BGIE Adv Advance Training ·                    Refresher training Specialize by mission or mission area / Locality CSG CSG CSG CSG CSG Btl Grp Comm Nav/Mar Trng Sust Trng Sust Trng FDNF CSG Simulator Supported Event Employable = Surge Ready + Deployed

JNTC Navy Training Transformation (TRS) Inter - Service Cooperation Training Resource Strategy (TRS) JNTC GBS GBS Asymmetric IP (GBS Downlink/Ku Uplink) Target San Clemente Fitzgerald Benfold DSCS Joint Venture SIPRnet Cloud 14 Mbps High Capacity Net to Joint Forces PRNOC TDMA Experimental Net w/ Joint Forces China Lake Sea Slice 2-4 Mbps to the Fleet FCTCPAC TRS enablers Viegues wake up call concerning encroachment cold war relic Major encroachment issues on East Coast ranges Simulator Supported Battle Group Training In-port and/or At-sea

Initial LANTFLT TRS Concept Multiple ranges Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) Proximity to major bases Long-range strike opportunities USAF/USN support & OPFOR fly from home stations Range Capabilities: Inert Live TST -Dare County X X -Cherry Pt (BT 9&11) X X -Camp Lejeune X X -Townsend X Pinecastle X X -Avon Park X X* X* Eglin X X X * Potential

South – Central Coop - Pending Inter – Service Cooperation Overarching Range Cooperative Agreement (ORCA) - 2003 Initial TRS enablers - 2000 Avon Park Eglin Air Force Base Regional Range Cooperatives – On going Ches Bay Range Coop - 1996 South-West Range Coop –2001 South – Central Coop - Pending This is today’s reality. We must be able to train to this fight. 900 ++ miles one way. Mobile targets JWEAPS and LGB’s are weapons of choice Joint Gulf Range Coop - 2001

Constructive Training Expanded Virtual / Constructive Training Environment Fleet Units U/W Fleet Units In-port OBT SQQ-89 ACTS ITA (Tomahawk) LINK / TAC COMMS BFTT Simulators/Units: EP-3, PATRIOT, UAV VAST DVTE Future Fleet Units: P-3/MMA, E2-C, SH60, F-18 Future Simulators: F-18, SH-60, E-2C P-3/MMA Future Links: 4A, CEC, NFN, LINKSIM, MULTI- TADIL Processor Connectable Joint Units: JSTARS, RIVET JOINT, AWACS, DMT – USAF (Fighters) Future Joint/Coalition Systems: Coalition WAN JNTC Persistent Architecture Future Agency Injects: Homeland Security, State, Justice BLII ACTS: AEGIS Combat Training System BFTT: Battle Force Tactical Trainer MUTTS: Multi-Unit Tactical Training System CEC: Cooperative Engagement Capability DVTE: Deployable Virtual Training Environment (USMC) FCTC: Fleet Combat Training Center (Atlantic or Pacific) FOTC: Force Over-the-Horizon Track Coordinator GCCS-M: Global Command and Control System, Maritime ITA: Integrated Tomahawk Architecture NFN: Naval Fires Network OBT: On-Board Trainer SMMTT: Submarine Multi-Mission Tactical Trainer TAC COMMS: Tactical Communications UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle VAST: Virtual At-Sea Trainer JSAF: Joint Semi-Automated Forces MUTTS LINK / TAC COMMS Shore Nodes FOTC Broadcast C4I Gateway Ashore TTG/EWTG BFTT Secure Telephone / SIPRNET Shipboard JSAF Communications Submarine Trainers SMMTT Joint TCD Future T-1 Line IUSS w/WeCAN 4/15/2017 6

Joint National Training Capability Enhance Joint Context for Service Level Training Live Joint unit participation Remote linked participation with other Services Simulated Joint capabilities Enhance inter-operability of training resources Hedge against encroachment Standardization of communications and instrumentation architecture Timely incorporation of lessons learned