Active Voice and Passive Voice
Write a synopsis in the active voice in the present, imperfect and future tenses only for the following verbs. Use the 3 rd person singular do, dare, dedi, datum mitto, mittere, misi, missum
Check your work dat - it is giving dabat- it was giving dabit- it will give mittit - he is sending mittebat-he was sending mittet-he will send
Write a synopsis for the same verbs in the passive voice do, dare, dedi, datum mitto, mittere, misi, missum datur-it is being given dabatur-it was being given dabitur-it will be given mittitur-he is being sent mittebatur-he was being sent mittetur- he will be sent
Notice that the only difference between active and passive in Latin are the ENDINGS
Active vs Passive dat -it is giving datur-it is being given dabat -it was giving dabatur-it was being given dabit-it will give dabitur-it will be given
Active vs Passive mittit-he is sending mittitur-he is being sent mittebat-he was mittebatur-he was being sending sent mittet-he will send mittetur- he will be sent
Here it is again dat -it is giving dabat-it was giving dabit-it will give mittit-he is sending mittebat-he was sending mittet-he will send datur-it is being given dabatur-it was being given dabitur-it will be given mittitur-he is being sent mittebatur-he was being sent mittetur- he will be sent
Translate the following into English laudabatur ferimur impediemini laboramus discedunt currebas He was being praised We are being hit You will be hindered We are working They are leaving You were running
Identify the conjugation facio, facere do, dare doceo. docere ferio. ferire iacio, iacere invenio. invenire terreo, terrere iuvo, iuvare exspecto, exspectare 3 rd I 1 st 2 nd 4 th 3 rd I 4 th 2 nd 1 st
Translate into Latin We will be ordered She is being warned It was being sent They will be attacked You (pl) are being terrified It is being done We will be protected iubebimur monetur mittebatur oppugnabuntur terremini facitur custodiemur
Answer these question: What three tenses have we learned in the passive voice? Present Imperfect Future
Answer the following: What principal part is used to form all of these tenses? 2 nd principal part