By Rachel Cronan, Chrissie k and Jen Moro
Guilt is an emotion that occurs when a person believes that they have violated a moral standard. an emotional experience that occurs when a person realises or believes— accurately or not—that he or she has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation. a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined. Define Guilt
Guilt is an important factor in the lives of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the play. Both of them are affected differently by this emotion. Guilt made Macbeth in the end go mad. He imagined things that weren’t there and suffered from sleep deprivation due to the nightmares he had of the murders he had committed. Guilt caused Lady Macbeth to get into unusual sleeping habits such as sleep walking and sleep talking (she spoke about the murders that were committed.) By the end of the play both characters die. Lady Macbeth commits suicide not being able to handle the guilt anymore and Macbeth gets killed due to his madness which was provoked by guilt. Overview of guilt in the play
-Before Macbeth has even committed the crime of murdering king Duncan he is already starting to feel the guilt and is considering backing out of the murder. -Macbeth in this scene has just left the banquet due to his guilty thoughts about murdering king Duncan. He then expresses his deepest thoughts about the crime he is soon to commit. He realises what a humble and free of corruption leader, Duncan has been, which makes Macbeth feel even more guilty about the plan. Macbeth also believes that as Duncan’s kinsman and host, it is his duty to protect the king rather than to murder him. Quote: Macbeth:“First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself.” Act 1 – Scene 7
-Lady Macbeth in the previous scene successfully convinced Macbeth to continue on with the murder of king Duncan... -Macbeth in this scene follows through with the murder of King Duncan, however on his way to murder Duncan, Macbeth begins to see illusions of a non-existent, blood stained dagger before him. The reasons for Macbeths illusions is the guilt he is feeling for the murder he is soon to commit. -Macbeth begins hearing things as soon as the murder is completed. He cannot even pray because he is so guilt-ridden over his crime. -As Macbeth returns to Lady Macbeth, she is shocked to see that he has failed to leave the dagger behind with Duncan’s body. Macbeth refuses to go back to the body as he cannot bare to see it again due to his guilty conscience. Quote: Macbeth:“I’ll go no more: I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on ’t again I dare not.” Act 2
- Lady Macbeth in this act feels that Macbeth is thinking too much about his guilt rather than enjoying his royalty as he should be. Macbeth then tells her about the nightmares he has been having and that he suffers from sleep deprivation. -Macbeth sets two hit man on the task to kill Banquo. The hit man succeed. Later on at the banquet table, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost which freaks him out. His guilty conscience is projecting visions of Banquo because he is responsible for the man's murder. Outbursts like these hint at his guilt and makes people suspicious of the new king. -After Macbeth's breakdown in front of the thanes, Lady Macbeth tells him to go to sleep. Macbeth hasn't been sleeping well because he feels so guilty. Quote: Lady Macbeth: “You lack the season of all natures, sleep” Act 3
- Lady Macbeth’s guilt is finally getting to her. She begins to sleepwalk and talks about the murders that have been committed. Also in her sleep, she imagines herself washing blood off her hands. This routine and her sleep talking are manifestations and proof of her guilt. -Malcolm and the thanes have heard that Macbeth is going mad, and they assume that his madness is a result of the guilt for his crimes. -Lady Macbeth has committed suicide, and her guilt is believed to be the cause of her death. Her conscience got the better of her in the end. -Macbeth goes mad and begins to fight with Malcolm. Rather than surrender to Malcolm, Macbeth continues to fight and is soon killed by Macduff. Quote: Macbeth “I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet, and to be baited with the rabble’s curse.” Act 5
Even though people today don’t like to admit we have all done things in our life that has made us feel guilt, and people can relate to the story because it shows what can happen to you if you do wrong. Guilt is an overpowering emotion depending on what extent the emotion goes to. It can play with a sane persons mind and make them go mad. What is universal about guilt? How do we use it in our lives?
He re-created and re-defined English writing forever. People today still study Shakespeare because he was an incredible writer and people can relate to the hidden morals and messages he has in his stories. With his style of writing he was well ahead of his time because he put a creative spin on his writing and wasn’t afraid of writing such tragic stories. Why is it a classic? Why do we still study it?
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