Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Joining Three Worlds: Research Information, Research Data, and Research Publications Arjan Hogenaar, Elly Dijk and Marga van Meel KNAW Research Information E:
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Outline Introduction Three inter-related information systems Academic Information Domain NARCIS-2 Joining the systems 2
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Academy's mission: To ensure the quality of scientific research in the Netherlands 3
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Het Trippenhuis, domicile of the Academy 4
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 KNAW Research Information Our mission: National focal point of research information Our product: Dutch Research Database (NOD) 5
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Research Information Descriptions of programmes and projects Descriptions of research organisations Descriptions of researchers Descriptions of research budgets and research input (staff formation) Involved: research administrators 6
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Research Publications Books Journal articles and Conference papers Reports Other stuff (video; audio; presentations) 7
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Research publications characteristics International focus Fixed structures (especially for journal articles) Descriptions accessible via OPAC’s, bibliographic databases and national repository services like DAREnet, HAL and IRIScotland 8
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Research Data Raw data Resulting from research Structure not set Accessibility problems 9
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 DANS: Data Archiving and Networked Services Responsible for storing and providing access to data Developing harvestable metadata for datasets (EASYstore) 10
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Example EASYstore record (DC-related) Title Agro Pontino Archeological Survey Creator Sevink, J. Date created 1989 (Copy)right holderFaculty of Archaeology, Leiden University Temporal Paleolithicum Relation is referenced by: S. Holstrom Type Dataset Language English Source All files were derived from the electronic CD-ROM publication "The Agro Pontino Archaeological Survey" Date submitted Access rights Open Access 11
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 METIS: Dutch CRIS Used by all universities and the KNAW Also for bibliographic citations of publications Development: joint activities Metis can act as a data-provider: Advantages for the Dutch Research Database (NOD) 12
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Joining Research Information + Research Publications + Research Data 13
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Knowledge Exchange DFG + JISC + DEFF + SURF Foundation Goal: To support the use and development of ICT infrastructure for higher education and research 14
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Academic Information Domain (AID) Combination of the three research related information types: research information, research publications and datasets Information on the academic work process (research and education), together with the workflows and services around them 15
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 AID scheme: Source: Knowledge Exchange 16
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 AID on a national scale: The Netherlands as an example Research information NOD Research publications E-depot (National Library) Research data DANS (+ 3TU) 17
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 NARCIS as a first step to a Dutch AID Structured research information from the NOD Information from academic OAI repositories Information from DANS datasets All these records are simultaneously searchable 18
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 NARCIS: National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System Portal to research related information All three systems searchable simultaneously, but: No relation between objects in the different systems 19
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 NARCIS-2 Interconnectivity of the three different research related information sources 20
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Identifiers: key roles in object-coupling oDigital Author Identifiers oPersistent (object) Identifiers 21
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Digital Author Identifier (DAI) Dataset, publication and research description may all have the name of the creator or project- leader in common Author names are not consistent in different information systems Also within one specific information systems many author name variations 22
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Implementing DAI in The Netherlands Co-operation of all Dutch universities, KNAW and NWO Creating a thesaurus of author names with corresponding DAI within the OCLC-PICA system Matching DAI and author names in all three research related information systems (NOD; DANS; DAREnet/ E-depot) DAI available spring
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Result of DAI implementation Relationships between research descriptions and research results (datasets and publications) become visible, but: Sustainablility not yet guaranteed! For instance: objects may shift from one repository into another or even may disappear 24
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Persistent Identifier (PI) Assigning PI’s to objects in repositories and datasets PI-systems chosen: URN:NBN system of the CDNL and CENL, further developed by the German National Library 25
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 National co-operation SURF Foundation SURFShare programme All Dutch universities, KNAW and Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research participating Focus on enriched publication (combination of traditional publication and dataset) 26
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences International Co-operation Driver-II Programme Accent on European Repository Infrastructure Researcher-focused Compound objects 27
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Compound Objects Dataset + publication Research description + publication Model + presentation related to a single research description 28
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 DRIVER-II and Web 2.0 European Infrastructure Access to all forms of research related information Re-using and elaborating research data and research publications (including text editions and so on) Stimulating data mining Source: boiseweekly 29
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 Questions?
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 URN:NBN system URN: Uniform Resource Name NBN: National Bibliography Number (responsibility: National Library) nl: domain “Netherlands” Example: urn:nbn:nl-dare:a
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 32 Resolver Function (German Example) Example of list of available URL’s for URN urn:nbn:de:gbv: Archive Server (The German National Library) URL: TIB-Hannover repository: URL : (local repository) 32
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1 METIS NOD exchange format