What do they share in common? A DREAM…they dare to listen…and to live out…A DREAM that transformed the life of many others… Mahatma Ganhdi Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King
Great things start with one’s deepest desires Our deepest desires are God’s dreams written in our hearts.
…dreams that transcend ourselves…
…dreams that set us sail to new horizons…
I for my part do not consider myself to have taken possession. Just one thing: forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead. …dreams that inspired apostle Paul to a bold decision:
What would be God’s dreams for you and for your CLC community? How would you live out His dreams?
Come to HMTT 2007 and… join us for a weekend journey to discover: GOD’S DREAMS FOR YOU, FOR YOUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR OUR Đ Ồ NG HÀNH FAMILY