OUHSC Information Security Update IT, Information Security Services Randy Moore Nathan Gibson Greg Bostic IT, Information Security Services Randy Moore Nathan Gibson Greg Bostic
Security Project Update –Active Directory Cleanup Project “Cleaning the house” -- getting rid of old computer accounts –Active Directory GPO project Establishing a security baseline –E-Policy Orchestrator Project Mirroring ePO with AD Centrally Managing Using the tools we have available –Active Directory Cleanup Project “Cleaning the house” -- getting rid of old computer accounts –Active Directory GPO project Establishing a security baseline –E-Policy Orchestrator Project Mirroring ePO with AD Centrally Managing Using the tools we have available
Active Directory Cleanup
Purpose GPOs cannot be applied on the computers container ePO Sync would be inaccurate Hard to manage with erroneous accounts present GPOs cannot be applied on the computers container ePO Sync would be inaccurate Hard to manage with erroneous accounts present
Current Status 1200 inactive computer accounts disabled and moved into the disabled.comps OU Computer Accounts have been moved from the Computers container into the UnAssigned.Comps OU GPO w/ login script applied to UnAssigned.Comps OU 1200 inactive computer accounts disabled and moved into the disabled.comps OU Computer Accounts have been moved from the Computers container into the UnAssigned.Comps OU GPO w/ login script applied to UnAssigned.Comps OU
New Procedures All new computers should have account created prior to joining domain. Computer Account Lifecycle procedure –30 days UnAssigned.Comp – Active –30 days disabled.comps – Inactive –On the 60th day Computer Account deleted New Computer Checklist All new computers should have account created prior to joining domain. Computer Account Lifecycle procedure –30 days UnAssigned.Comp – Active –30 days disabled.comps – Inactive –On the 60th day Computer Account deleted New Computer Checklist
Cleaning Your OU Weed out old Computer Accounts –Use Active Directory Users and Computers –Go to “View” in the MMC –Check “Advanced Features” –Go to “View” and choose “Add/Remove Columns” –In the left hand “Available columns” table choose “Modified” and click “Add ->” –Hit OK Weed out old Computer Accounts –Use Active Directory Users and Computers –Go to “View” in the MMC –Check “Advanced Features” –Go to “View” and choose “Add/Remove Columns” –In the left hand “Available columns” table choose “Modified” and click “Add ->” –Hit OK
McAfee E-Policy Orchestrator Project(ePO)
ePO McAfee E Policy Orchestrator Provides a way to centrally manage Anti Virus protection on all managed devices Syncs with Active Directory Automatically installs/uninstalls AV Automatic DAT updates Customizable policies Notification Capabilities Report Generation McAfee E Policy Orchestrator Provides a way to centrally manage Anti Virus protection on all managed devices Syncs with Active Directory Automatically installs/uninstalls AV Automatic DAT updates Customizable policies Notification Capabilities Report Generation
Training Greg Bostic 2 nd Annual Cyber Security Day October 24, :00 am Greg Bostic 2 nd Annual Cyber Security Day October 24, :00 am
Cyber Security Day Tier 1 Training Business Manager Briefings End User Briefings Tier 1 Training Business Manager Briefings End User Briefings
Security Baseline Active Directory GPO Project
GPO Review Group Policy Objects: 1.Allows you to configure baseline settings to ensure all resources have the same settings 2.Ease the administrative overhead in applying and modifying end user device and servers. 3.“One-Stop-Shop” for demonstrating policy compliance Group Policy Objects: 1.Allows you to configure baseline settings to ensure all resources have the same settings 2.Ease the administrative overhead in applying and modifying end user device and servers. 3.“One-Stop-Shop” for demonstrating policy compliance
AD GPO Project Round 2 Settings Setting 1- HSC-IT-Automatic Updates (Workstation Only) –Enable Windows Updates Power management to automatically wake up the system: Enabled –4- Auto Download and Schedule the Install –Schedule Install Day: 0-Everyday –Scheduled Install Time: 0300 Setting 2- HSC-IT-No Display Last User Login –Interactive logon: do not display last user name: Enabled Round 2 Settings Setting 1- HSC-IT-Automatic Updates (Workstation Only) –Enable Windows Updates Power management to automatically wake up the system: Enabled –4- Auto Download and Schedule the Install –Schedule Install Day: 0-Everyday –Scheduled Install Time: 0300 Setting 2- HSC-IT-No Display Last User Login –Interactive logon: do not display last user name: Enabled
No Last User Name Impact
Screen Saver Impact
House Cleaning Help Standardize GPO naming scheme –Dept-XXXX –Delete Old GPOs –Combine GPOs If possible –Remove GPOs with settings applied at higher lever Standardize GPO naming scheme –Dept-XXXX –Delete Old GPOs –Combine GPOs If possible –Remove GPOs with settings applied at higher lever
FUTURE GPO Settings Event Logging –Account Management: Success –Account Logon/Logoff: Success/Failure –Policy Change: Success –System Events: Success/Failure Screen Saver –Hide Screen Saver Tab: Enabled –Screen Saver: Enabled –Password protect the Screen Saver: Enabled –Screen Saver Timeout: 600(900?) Event Logging –Account Management: Success –Account Logon/Logoff: Success/Failure –Policy Change: Success –System Events: Success/Failure Screen Saver –Hide Screen Saver Tab: Enabled –Screen Saver: Enabled –Password protect the Screen Saver: Enabled –Screen Saver Timeout: 600(900?)
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