EdTech BootCamp Session #6 Presented By: Daniel Greening and LeRoy Wong, Apple Support Specialists and
1 Force Quit Activity Monitor Power Management & Troubleshooting batteries & power adaptors Repairing Permissions & Disk Verify L4L Annual Registration 2009/2010
3 Force Quit Force Quit is the method which you would use to exit out of an unresponsive application The Finder can also be Force Quit if it becomes unresponsive Patience is a virtue – give applications time to complete tasks There are several ways to Force Quit an Application 1.Key combination – Command : Option : Escape 2.Apple Menu – Force Quit 3.Click and hold on Dock icon for unresponsive application – Force Quit Force Quit Menu
4 Activity Monitor Utility Resource Utilization Monitor 1.Located in /Applications/Utilities 2.The Activity Monitor is the utility which allows a user to see what the current resource utilization is in Mac OS 3.It provides statistics on CPU usage, system memory usage, disk activity, disk usage, and network usage 4.The CPU and memory statistics are most useful if a user is having problems with sluggish performance in applications or overall 5.A user can sort open processes by any of the above listed criteria for ease of reference 6.If a user has Force Quit an application several times due to unresponsiveness, use Activity Monitor to see how much memory and CPU power it is using
5 Activity Monitor Utility Interface Process memory usage Detailed breakdown of selected resource Processes sorted by name
6 Power Management Energy Saver Preference Pane 1.Energy Saver is the power management Preference Pane located in System Preferences 2.All sleep settings are modified in this Preference Pane 3.Separate settings for battery and power adaptor are available 4.Current settings are as follows: Power Adaptor Machine Sleep – after 3 hours Power Adaptor Display Sleep - after 30 minutes Battery Machine Sleep – after 10 minutes Battery Display Sleep – after 10 minutes 5.No schedule is set for sleep/wake 6.Put hard disk to sleep when possible is enabled 7.For best performance and battery life, leave settings alone
7 Power Management Energy Saver Interface
8 Power Management Battery Information 1.The Macbook battery is a Lithium Polymer cell with a 300 charge cycle warrantee 2.Any battery over 300 charge cycles is considered consumed, though it may still function 3.The battery has a built in meter, which can be accessed by pressing the button on the bottom of the battery itself 4.Complete statistics on the Macbook battery are in the following location: Applications/Utilities/System Profiler/Power 5.The information on the battery in this location should be provided to the Service Desk in the event of battery failure 6.The Service Desk is working on implementing a battery Self Service Program which well enable us to have batteries directly delivered to users out in the schools 7.Condition your battery by doing the following: Charging it fully Using the Macbook on battery until it sleeps Charging it fully again
9 Power Management Battery Information – System Profiler Battery Information
10 Power Management Power Adaptor Information 1.The Macbook power adaptor is a 65watt MagSafe unit with extension cable and plug head 2.The adaptor has a green/orange status light on the end which connects to the Macbook. Green means fully charged, orange is charging 3.Always check connections between the Macbook and the adaptor, the adaptor and the wall, and the adaptor and the plug head/extension should power issues occur 4.Frayed or damaged wires are not covered under warrantee 5.Replacement or supplemental adaptors are available at the Apple store
11 Disk Utility Repair Permissions & Verify Disk 1.Disk Utility is located in /Applications/Utilities 2.Repair Permissions is used to make sure that you have the proper rights to any files which you may have created, or applications come pre-installed 3.If a user cannot open a particular file, Repair Permissions is an excellent first troubleshooting step 4.Verify Disk is used to check a disk or volume for problems with structure or data corruption 5.Always run a Verify routine BEFORE running a repair
12 Disk Utility Verify/Repair Permissions Verify/Repair Buttons Selected Volume
13 Disk Utility Verify/Repair Disk/Volume Verify/Repair Buttons Selected Volume
14 L4L Annual Registration Key Information 1.The BPS Registration Application for all L4L Macbooks was released on December 3 rd The FINAL day for registration is Friday February 5 th All Macbooks must be on at least OS version to receive the Reg App via Directory Services on the BPS network. If users are still on OS version , they must update to OS by running Software Update from the Apple Menu in the upper left corner of the Finder. They may select any/all updates, however, the update is the most important. 3.Users MUST restart their Macbook to complete the update process. Once installation has begun, it can not be interrupted until complete. The Macbook will physically restart when the update is complete. 4.Users MUST log out and log back in while physically plugged into the BPS network. The Registration Application WILL NOT launch until the user logs out and then back in while on network. 5.Users MUST use their correct BPS Employee ID and password to register their Macbook. If they input their password incorrectly, they will be notified and can change it. If they put in their Employee ID incorrectly, they must call the Service Desk to have it changed.
For more information: BPS Sites: Contact Information: Daniel Greening LeRoy Wong