S.M.A.R.T Professional Goal Our S.M.A.R.T Professional Goal was to: Specific- Observe a 5% improvement in fitness scores among 9 – 10 grade students on the Connecticut State Physical Fitness Assessment. Measurable- Assess students on the four components of the fitness test during the first week of class. Assess students again 5 weeks later on the official state fitness test.
S.M.A.R.T Professional Goal Attainable- Students should be able to improve fitness scores 5% after 5 weeks of fitness development during physical education classes. Realistic- This goal is an achievable goal for many of the students. Timely- Students will be assessed during a three day period during their first week of classes. They will be assessed again in five weeks.
S.M.A.R.T Goal How are we going to achieve? Pacing Chart: Week 1- Syllabus, lockers, Perform Preliminary Fitness Test Week 2- Daily warm-up. Including Cardio vascular development: -Timed jogging around the track. Students will either complete quarter or half mile. -or- -Timed jogging around the gym for three and a half minutes to four minutes. -Timed Push-ups and sit-ups. Daily physical activity including walking during disc golf and running during ultimate frisbee.
S.M.A.R.T Goal How are we going to achieve? Pacing Chart: Week 3: Same daily warm up as week 2. Daily physical fitness to include running in ultimate frisbee. Mid-week transition over to football. Students will be completing light jogging while working on football skills development.
S.M.A.R.T Goal How are we going to achieve? Pacing Chart: Week 4: Same daily warm up as week 2 and 3. Daily physical fitness to include running in small games of flag football. Week 5: Warm-up same as weeks 1 – 4. Daily physical fitness to include running in small games of flag football. Mid to late week transition to Official state fitness tests.
S.M.A.R.T Goal How are we going to achieve? -We will post results of the preliminary fitness test in a visible area for students to view. -We will post the fitness scores rubric to help students become aware of the score they need to achieve a better fitness score. -Students will be encouraged to complete physical activity outside of school to increase their personal fitness score.
20 Meter Pacer Test P.A.C.E.R. stands for Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. It is a multi-stage fitness test, performed in a shuttle-run format, that helps children pace themselves effectively, and is generally regarded as more fun for younger children than the mile run because the pace can be set to music. The P.A.C.E.R. is a viable alternative to the mile run, even though both tests measure aerobic endurance, because it can be administered indoors or in a much smaller area than is needed for the mile run.
Back-saver sit-and-reach The back-saver sit-and-reach is a measure of joint flexibility, which is important to overall functional health. Stretchability and symmetry of the hamstring muscles at the back of the legs, and flexibility of the spine are important to general fitness, injury avoidance and long- term back health. The revised version of the test allows greater accommodation for the differences in the length of the arms and legs of growing children, thus is more accurate, and reduces strain on the knees.
The push-up The push-up is a test of upper body muscle strength and endurance. Strength and endurance of the muscles of the upper body are important in activities of daily living, maintaining functional health and promoting good posture.
The curl-up The curl-up is a test of abdominal strength and endurance. Strength and endurance of abdominal muscles are important in promoting good posture and correct pelvic alignment, both important elements in good back health. The previous version of the curl-up sometimes caused neck strain and did not account for the differences in the length of arms and legs of growing children. The improved version addresses both of these problems as well as better isolating the abdominal muscles for a more accurate indication of strength and endurance.
Preliminary State Fitness Test Data Gathered from the First Test: Boys Data Raw Numeric Data Fitness Level:High Health NI* Pacer Test Flexibility Curl-Ups Push-Ups *NI = Needs Improvement
Preliminary State Fitness Test Data Gathered from the First Test: Boys Data as a percentage Fitness Level:High Health NI* Pacer Test 7% 72% 19% Flexibility 0% 93% 7% Curl-Ups 71% 21% 8% Push-Ups 15% 63% 22% *NI = Needs Improvement
Preliminary State Fitness Test Data Gathered from the First Test: Girls Data Raw Numeric Data Fitness Level:High Health NI* Pacer Test Flexibility Curl-Ups Push-Ups *NI = Needs Improvement
Preliminary State Fitness Test Data Gathered from the First Test: Girls Data as a percentage Fitness Level:High Health NI* Pacer Test 35% 38% 27% Flexibility 0% 83% 17% Curl-Ups 58% 40% 2% Push-Ups 52% 40% 8% *NI = Needs Improvement
Preliminary State Fitness Test