Content Management Portal PRA Disclosure Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average (106 hours) or (6,360 minutes) per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C , Baltimore, Maryland
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Content Management Portal June 2011 Refresh: Issuers may begin “entering” updates into CMP on May 4 th. Issuer may begin “submitting” their requests on May 16 th. Last day to submit a request is May 20 th. The Benefit Template version has changed, and an Effective Date and End date field has been added to the column headings. There have been no changes to any of the benefit category rows.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Future Rate or Benefit Update
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate update for a Portal Plan Find the most recent CMP request from a previous update. Go to the Enter Portals Plan page and select each plan that will have a rate and/or benefit update. Let’s assume an issuer is undergoing a 7/1/2011 rate update.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update for Portal Plan Click the “Clone Plans” button to clone all the checked plans. Change the effective date of the newly cloned plans to 7/1/2011. Then change the End Date of the old plans to 06/30/2011.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Redundancy Error The effective date and end date cannot be the same. This will cause a "Redundancy in Effective Dates” Error Message. In the below example both the end date of the old plans and the effective date of the new plans is 7/1/2011.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Redundancy Error The Redundancy Error message is shown below. You cannot move forward unless the dates are corrected.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Overlap Error If both the old and new plans have an overlap in coverage you will see an “Overlap in Coverage” error message. The below example shows an overlap in the months of May and June.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Overlap Error The Overlap in Coverage error message is shown below. You cannot move forward unless the dates are corrected.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Gap Warning If the old and new plans have a gap in coverage you will see a “Gap in Coverage” warning message. Here the end date of the old plans is 6/30/2011 and the new plans have an effective date of 7/2/2011.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Gap Warning The Gap in Coverage warning message is show below. Although you have received a warning the site will allow you to continue.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Benefit/Rate Update – Required Templates Cloned plans will be added as highlighted columns in the benefit and rate templates. You only need to update these columns. For a rate and/or benefit update the following templates are required. 1.Both the Benefit Template and the Rate Template. 2.Rate test cases in the Test Cases Template. 3.Only provide the Rating/Eligibility Questions Template if there are changes.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Multiple Rate or Benefit Update
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Multiple Benefit/Rate Update – Portal Plans Find the most recent CMP request from a previous update. Let’s assume the below four Saver PPO plans that are undergoing a rate update effective 7/1/2011 and 8/1/2011 – 12/31/2011. Select the four Saver PPO plans.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Multiple Benefit/Rate Updates – Portal Plans Click on the “Clone Plans” button to clone all the selected plans. Change the end date of the four existing plans to 6/30/2011. Change the effective date of all newly cloned plans to 7/1/2011 and the end date to 7/31/2011. Clone four more plans and change the effective date to 8/1/2011 and the end date to 12/31/2011.
COMPANY LOGO OMB Control Number Multiple Benefit/Rate Update – Templates Both the 7/1/11 and 8/1/11 columns will show up on the same template. For a rate and/or benefit update the following templates are required. 1.Both the Benefit Template and the Rate Template. 2.Rate test cases in the Test Cases Template. 3.Only provide the Rating/Eligibility Questions Template if there are changes.
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