Can You Save Fred?
Can You Save Fred (The Situation) Poor Fred! He was sailing along on a boat (the plastic cup) when a strong wind blew it upside down. Fred (the Gummi Worm) ended up on top of the upside down boat. Unfortunately for Fred, his life preserver (the Gummi Saver) is still trapped under the boat. Poor Fred! He was sailing along on a boat (the plastic cup) when a strong wind blew it upside down. Fred (the Gummi Worm) ended up on top of the upside down boat. Unfortunately for Fred, his life preserver (the Gummi Saver) is still trapped under the boat.
Can You Save Fred (The Task) Your job is to place the life preserver firmly around Fred’s body, but you must do this while obeying three rules. Your job is to place the life preserver firmly around Fred’s body, but you must do this while obeying three rules.
Can You Save Fred? (The Rules) Fred may not fall into the “sea” (onto the desk) more than three times; if he does, Fred has “drowned.” Fred may not fall into the “sea” (onto the desk) more than three times; if he does, Fred has “drowned.” You may not injure him in any way. You may not injure him in any way. You may only use the four paper clips to move Fred, the boat, and the life preserver - this means no touching! You may only use the four paper clips to move Fred, the boat, and the life preserver - this means no touching!
Can You Save Fred? (Problem-Solving Techniques) Use objects to model the problem Use objects to model the problem Develop a plan Develop a plan Find a pattern Find a pattern Draw a picture or a diagram Draw a picture or a diagram Act out the problem Act out the problem Guess and test Guess and test Work backwards Work backwards Write an equation Write an equation Make a table or graph Make a table or graph Simplify the problem Simplify the problem Make a list Make a list
Can You Save Fred? (Record of Attempts) Attempts Time to Rescue (Note Start and Fail/Success Times)
Did You Save Fred? (Results and Reflections) Using Microsoft Word, describe how your lifesaving techniques were successful or a failure. Use visuals as well as text. Using Microsoft Word, describe how your lifesaving techniques were successful or a failure. Use visuals as well as text. – Explain any difficulties you experienced with Fred’s rescue. – Include which of the problem-solving techniques you used to complete this task. When finished, trade your finished results with others and observe how similar or different your techniques were.When finished, trade your finished results with others and observe how similar or different your techniques were.