MAS- The Ultimate Energy Saver Breakthrough A.C. Saver Intelligent and Programmable Device Unmatched Guaranteed Savings and ROI No Compromise in Comfort 1 Year Warranty Patent-pending Technology
Value Proposition/USP Designed for comfort & equipment cooling Powerful algorithm offers % savings No compromise in room temp- incl. 5 star A.C. Easy to install in minutes by any Electrician Easy to program (0.5 – 10 TR A.C.s) Typical payback period is less than 6 months
Highlights Leading Solution for Low Cost Energy Savings Microprocessor based sensor-driven device. Dual sensors/displays for Room & Coil Temp 8 Programmable Features for Max Savings Equally Effective On 4 & 5 Star A.C.s Light & Durable Device
World’s 1 st Programmable Energy Saver (ES) No.Feature 1Set Room Temperature (S.T.) 2Set Coil Temperature (C.T.) 3Cycle 1 On- Time (C1) 4Cycle 2 On- Time (C2) 5Cycle 3 On- Time (C3) 6Compressor Off- Time 7Delay Compressor- Off 8Savings Bypass Mode 9Internal Use Only
How MAS addresses A.C. Deficiency Conventional A.C. technology has deficiencies which can typically only be overcome by advanced state-of-the-art precision A.C.s which cost 3 times a commercial A.C. However MAS integrates these features in a commercial A.C. at less than 5% of the cost saving you thousands. Conventional Deficiencies in an A/CMAS Solution A.C‘s only sense Return Air Temp2 Added sensors- Room Temp & Coil Temp Cooling energy is stored in the coil but there is no sensor in the coil With a Coil Temp sensor MAS knows the amount of stored energy thereby minimizing compressor run-time and saving energy A/C’s are designed by default to address a wide range of climates /comfort levels and therefore cannot optimize energy consumption MAS takes control with customized settings for your climate/comfort level while maintaining optimal energy consumption
Conventional Deficiencies in an A/CMAS Solution To prevent a compressor motor from burn- out, a mechanical relay ensures the motor does not start for 3 minutes after shutdown (Anti-short cycling relay). This means that even when ‘room temperature’ is achieved the compressor must run for a pre-set few minutes extra to ensure there is no discomfort during these 3 minutes. This overcooling may only be reqd. for a short period and causes wastage of electricity MAS allows you to program the ‘Anti-Short Cycling’ time required for your climate. Additionally, the ‘Delayed Start Time’ feature ensures there is no overcooling after the set- temperature is achieved. When the set temperature cannot be achieved in the room, the compressor continues to run. However, this only lowers the coil temperature but cannot reduce the room temperature after a point. This wastes electricity and causes Thermo-dynamic saturation where ice tends to form in the coil, further reducing heat transfer and wasting still more electricity. Unfortunately there is no sensor in the coil to determine when the compressor should shut-off. MAS has an additional coil temperature sensor to prevent this. MAS’s high precision digital sensors ensure protection if you’re A.C.s thermostat is not functioning or offers poor accuracy.
MAS Technical Details Creates a closed-loop, real time interface between two MAS thermistors and the compressor to reduce energy wastage Intelligent machine that optimizes compressor run time by monitoring outside temperature Always maintains set temperature even while maximizing power savings Dimensions – 6.0” X 2.5” X 1.5” Weight – 405g
Usage Windows Splits Packages Ductables Towers Cassettes Note: from 0-10 T.R of all Brands, and Design including Star rated
Certified Customers Indian OilTata Tinplate SBIDastur and Co. TCSSalem Steel Tata MotorsApcotex Tata BearingsHoneywell Bata IndiaTelcon Tata Metaliks
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