Ductless Heat Pumps in Manufactured Homes with Zonal Electric Resistance Heat Adam Hadley Regional Technical Forum February 18, 2015
Overview Today, we are seeking a decision on this UES measure from the RTF, in the form of either: Decision to accept savings, life, cost as a Small Saver UES (Proposal); OR Guidance to bring the measure back with more analysis, working toward a Proven UES (Alternative Proposal). 2
Measure Overview Measure Name: Ductless Heat Pumps in Manufactured Homes with Zonal Electric Resistance Heat Measure Sector :Residential End-Use :MH, Existing Measure Specification: Install a 9.5 HSPF or better inverter driven DHP with nominal tonnage of 0.75 tons or greater in the main living area of a house with permanently installedzonal electric heat. Savings Estimation Method:UES Proposed Measure Category:Small Saver Baseline:Pre-Conditions Savings Estimation Procedure:Professional judgment applied to single family calibrated engineering analysis Proposing Party:BPA, Ecotope 3
Proposal Small Saver: Savings Potential per RBSA ≈ % applicability Savings Estimate – Professional judgment that savings (cost, and life) are not significantly different than the savings (cost, and life) for the same measure in single family applications Heating Zone or Cooling Zone Heating Energy Savings (kWh/yr) Cooling Energy Savings (kWh/yr) 12, , ,
Proposed Motion “I _______ move the RTF approve the measure definition, savings, life, and cost as proposed for the UES measure Residential Ductless Heat Pumps for Manufactured Homes with existing zonal electric resistance heat, with – Small Saver category; – Active status; – A sunset date of January 2017.” Alternative Motion: “I _______ move the proposal for the UES Measure Residential Ductless Heat Pumps for Manufactured Homes with existing zonal electric resistance heat be re-submitted as a Proven measure.” 5