Shower saver By Maja
Goal The goal is to making a water saving device is to think very hard and switch your creative brain on
Understanding My water saving device is called a shower saver. It saves water by not just letting water do down by the drain and the water gets wasted. The shower run off water flows down a pipe. Before it goes to the garden it passes filter to make it clean. The water gets sent to the garden and is able to be reused and help save the environment and make sure that all the plants trees flowers get watered and stay healthy.
Materials Filter Timer Control pad by-pass pipe Water efficient shower head taps Switch to normal pipe
How to make a shower saver 1. You put your shower efficient shower head 2. Then you put you taps on 3. You put your control pad in 4.Then you put your by-pass pipe in 5. You put your turn to normal pipe switch 6.Then you put your shower timer in 7.Then you put it under the drain connected the filter 8
Mathematical ItembuyCostTotal Shower HeadBunning's TapsBunning's Control PadRS Components By-Pass PipeDrift works40.00 PipeBunning’s13.71 FilterClear choice water65.00 Total