Aloaha Software Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH Product Overview contact:
Product Categories PDF Creation and Manipulation PDF Suite PDF Signator/Multisignator PDF Form Saver PDF Crypter PDF Editor PDF Split and Merge ZUGFeRD SDK Identity and Encryption Aloaha Cardconnector Aloaha Smartlogin Aloaha Timestamping Server XAdES Signer Aloaha MailAndArchive Aloaha encrypted ZIP Aloaha PKCS #7 Crypter Aloaha hard disk encryption Aloaha Crypto Card Aloaha secure Stick
Aloaha PDF Suite The Aloaha PDF Suite converts a print stream from any application directly into a PDF Document. Created documents can be digitally signed fully automatically. More than 45 different Smart Cards are supported natively so that no extra middleware is required. Aloaha PDF also includes useful tools such as Split and Merge, Automailer, SMTP Proxy and the PDF Editor.
Aloaha PDF Form Saver and Signator The Aloaha Form Saver allows the user to fill in interactive PDF Forms and save them locally without having to use any other 3 rd party tool. Forms or plain PDF documents can be sealed and digitally signed directly with the PDF Signator. Since a generic middleware for more than 45 different smart cards is integrated the user does not need to install any middleware for supported smart cards.
Aloaha PDF Crypter The Aloaha PDF Crypter aims at professional users for whom PDF encryption and security is a top priority. Confidential and sensible documents can be encrypted with certificates or passwords by using the Aloaha PDF Crypter. Other documents can be encrypted with Aloaha secure ZIP.
Aloaha Smartcard Connector The Aloaha Smartcard Connector is a generic smart card middleware for more than 45 different cards. It is included in all other Aloaha Products as crypto engine is also available as stand-alone middleware. It includes also Aloaha’s certificate based hard disk encryption and a PKCS #11 module. It also includes Aloaha’s PKCS #7 tools.
Aloaha Smartlogin Aloaha Smartlogin is a Single-Sign On solution which allows the user to logon to the Workstation, Windows Services, Websites and legacy Applications. It supports many different types of token such as Smart- and Memory Cards, Memory Sticks, PKCS #11 token, etc.
Aloaha Crypto Card and secure Stick The Aloaha Crypto Card is a RSA Smart Card with 4 different key containers developed by Aloaha. Aloaha used its experience to develop for Vodafone Global the VFG secureSIM. The Aloaha secure Stick is a hardware AES encrypted Memory Stick with inbuilt Aloaha Crypto Card. It can operate in PC/SC or driverless HID Mode.