Activitygram/ Fitnessgram for Principal/Superintendent/Department Chair/Program coordinator Adrienne DiSipio
Goals: Have all Physical Education department employees take a free online course that explains the process for administering the Fitnessgram test to students. A certificate worth four credit hours is provided at the end of the course exam. Within 5 years Get all schools in district using Fitnessgram/Activitygram
What is Fitnessgram? It is a fitness assessment and reporting program for youth First developed in 1982 by The Cooper Institute in response to the need for a comprehensive set of assessment procedures in physical education programs Purpose: is to provide a variety of health-related physical fitness tests that assess: aerobic capacity muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility body composition Scores from these assessments are compared to Healthy Fitness Zone® standards determines students' overall physical fitness suggests areas for improvement when appropriate
Web-Based Fitnessgram 9 Benefits Web-based; no client installations Web address is determined by district policy Versions for wide-scale data collection of states, large metro districts, districts, and schools Each version has a Configure module to define your program Set permission levels for teachers and students for features of the program Use of single sign-on for users Establish exemption codes for kids not present during testing such as injury, absence, or disability Can use default federal ethnicity codes or import codes specific to the district Email Fitnessgram student and parent reports to save on print and paper costs Import historical data from Fitnessgram 8 program
Web-Based Fitnessgram 9 Benefits New export of data providing information of raw scores (and if in the Healthy Fitness Zone Y or N) and by fitness component ( and if in the Healthy Fitness Zone Y or N) New overview statistical reports for test results by test item or by fitness component for the following: Administrative unit (district, school, or class) By specific grade(s) or range of grade level(s) You can define the grade levels for this option Percentage achieving the Healthy Fitness Zone for selected test items or components Achievement of Standards for one out of zero components, one component? up to the six fitness components Dynamic message area for teachers created by PE administrators
What is Activitygram? is an activity assessment tool that enables students to record their physical activity in 30-minute increments over a 3-day period. The software generates a report showing: total minutes of activity periods of activity time each day types of activity.
Useful Equipment Fitnessgram & Activitygram Test Administration Manual 20 and 15 meter PACER TEST CD Calipers Healthy Fitness Zone ® Wall Chart (boys and girls) Fitnessgram Station Cards Curl-Up Measuring Strips
Fitnessgram & Activitygram Test Administration Manual A complete guide to implementing assessments, conducting the test protocols, recording the data, and interpreting and sharing the results Cost: $37.00 per book Where to buy: m/fitnessgramresources/
PACER Tests is the default aerobic capacity test in FITNESSGRAM. The PACER is a multistage fitness test adapted from the 20-meter shuttle run Purpose of CDs: recording provides pacing for the lap- run portion of the test as well as cadences for the curl- up and push-up portions. 15 Meter and 20 Meter CD’s can be ordered separately but are included in the manual Individual Costs: 15 meter: $15.00 20 meter: $15.00 Where to Buy: tnessgramresources/
Calipers Used for skinfold tests Measures persons % body fat Cost: $15.95 each Where to Buy: http://www.humankinetics. com/fitnessgramresources/
Healthy Fitness Zone ® Wall Chart Healthy Fitness Zone® wall chart for both boys and girls is a full-color, 18” x 24” chart for displaying the Healthy Fitness Zone standards for your students’ easy reference Provides students with healthy fitness zones for: Aerobic Capacity Percent body fat BMI Curl-Up Trunk Lift Push-Up Modified Push-Up Flexed Arm Hang Back-saver sit and reach Cost: $9.00 per chart Where to Buy:
Fitnessgram Station Cards Set of 8 laminated cards will help teachers efficiently test students using the Fitnessgram test protocols Can be taped to a wall or propped against a cone to help teachers administer tests when working with larger groups. Cost: $18.00 Where to Buy: sgramresources/ . The cards include photos and instructions for the following test items • PACER (15- or 20- meter distance) • One-mile run • Walk test • Push-up (90 degrees) • Curl-up • Modified pull-up • Flexed arm hang • Trunk lift • Back-saver sit and reach • Shoulder stretch • Body mass index • Skinfold measurements for percent body fat • Bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA) information • Aerobic capacity (V02max)
Curl-Up Measuring Strips Durable rubber, nonskid strips for measuring curl-ups 3” measuring strip for use with 5-9 year olds 4.5" measuring strip for use with students age 10 and up Cost: $4.50 per strip Where to buy: tnessgramresources/
Individual Tests for Students • PACER (15- or 20- meter distance) • One-mile run • Walk test • Push-up (90 degrees) • Curl-up • Modified pull-up • Flexed arm hang • Trunk lift • Back-saver sit and reach • Shoulder stretch • Body mass index • Skinfold measurements for percent body fat • Bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA) information • Aerobic capacity (V02max)
Student Involvement Can have students enter their own scores for tests Students can add their own activities in the Activitygram software
Technology Advancements A Fitnessgram app is now available for iPhone and Android smartphone users for score input only and you , can enter scores in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later Cost of the app: is $4.99--find it in the app store for your phone.