B L A C K B O A R D Blackboard Basics Respondus Test Generation Respondus LockDown Browser Cindy Bowers, Blackboard Administrator
Blackboard 9 – ECU’s LMS for the last 12 years Easy to customize menu bar Easy to copy content from one semester to the next Easy to merge multiple sections Arrows to drag/drop + contextual arrows to edit, remove, etc. Multimedia friendly Date restrict options allow for building your course ahead of time Grade Center, includes Smart Views IT’S YOUR COURSE – ENJOY DESIGNING IT! F Y I : FIREFOX WORKS BEST WITH BLACKBOARD (PC and MAC)
Content Options > Your Plan Lecture notes on the or attached as Word docs, PowerPoints Links to web sites Audio files Videos (Options for storage: Mediasite – Josh Brown or Tegrity Lecture Capture – Allen Dennis) Syllabus – make it easy to find Contact info – make it easy to find Organize content by weeks, modules, folders … your choice Date restrict settings > you can build ahead!
Assessment Options Online, face-to-face, or hybrid courses all have the same options: Create tests to be taken online; new tool > LockDown Browser Create assignments > students attach documents – frees up your inbox; secure; time stamp Created assessments automatically show up in Grade Center Assignments opened and/or downloaded via grade center Web 2.0 tools > blog, journal, wiki Surveys – created like a test – anonymous SafeAssignment Discussion Board
Respondus integrates with Bb Respondus Test Generator PC friendly | not for Macs yet (sorry) Organize and manage your exams Work in Microsoft Word > format with the help of Respondus Integrates with your Bb course(s) Exam(s) deploys directly to content area Time saver if you create lots of exams Can revise/edit exams to use in subsequent semesters Free download for ECU faculty Allen Dennis can get you started over the phone! Example of Question w/feedback Question 1) Who determined the exact speed of light? a. Albert No. Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light. *b) Albert Yes. Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light. c) Thomas No, Thomas Edison did not determine the exact speed of light. d. Guglielmo No. Marconi did not discover the exact speed of light, but he did win the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work with radio waves.
LockDown Browser Thorough instructions available LockDown Browser (by Respondus) Both PC and Mac friendly | Yay ! Cuts down on opportunities to cheat on online exams Easy download of special browser by students who access Bb > begin exam LockDown Browser tool in Control Panel Easy settings by instructor – you decide which tests (if any) require LDB LDB prevents: Screenshots / print screen Browsing web for exam answers Opening ; no instant messages Opening another window / tab Leaving exam without submitting
Our most common question from students this time of year. When you’re done building your course, turn it on… Control Panel to Customization > Properties > Set Availability > YES “I don’t see my course(s) in Blackboard. What’s up with that?”
Contact Info Matt Blackboard, LockDown Browser, Yammer, iPad Cindy Blackboard, LockDown Browser, WordPress blogs Allen Blackboard, Respondus, LockDown Browser, Tegrity