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Presentation transcript:


2 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

3 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : I.LIOHO Group profile II.Significance of power saving for enterprises III.Principle of selecting power saving equipment for enterprises IV.Performance presentation of E-SAVER V.Procedures for set in E-SAVER energy saving unit VI.Guarantee & Service VII.E-SAVER Q&A VIII.Appendix

4 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :


6 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

7 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : With China's entry into the WTO, the competition among enterprises will be more vigorous. Instead of labor productivity rate, the resource utilization rate will be the key to win in the competition. Only operation cost such as power, energy etc. is lower than the competitor's, you can raise your competitive ability and get the competitive edge to made your enterprise keep the stable developing edge. So we should continuous to win more and save more, decrease the operation cost; however, power fee is the one of three keys cost after rent and salary, so reducing power cost is the most important way.

8 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : Except to strengthen power management to save resource, by equipments, which is reliability, high investment return rate to save resource and reduce operation cost, this goal is becoming a must. With kinds of technical usage and spread, fully control power cost should be realized. Our company use the newest technology to develop the product E-SAVER, can reduce power cost efficiently for about 10%-15%, this can help enterprises expand profit, reduce operation cost.

9 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : Investment for saving energy is a fast, safe investment way, it will bring your company a long and instant return. There for, to make enterprises keep a long-term competition. Use E-SAVER equipment is the best choice to saving power improving.

10 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

11 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : (i) Ensure safety and reliability Should not reduce the original power supply system's reliability just because of using any energy saving equipment; the reliability of the equipment must be good and the defect rate must be low. (ii) Ensure power quality Should not engender any harmonic and towering which can even cause pollution in power supply network and affect facilities's working, just because of using any energy saving equipment; It's important to guarantee power quality to run smoothly.

12 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : (iii) Lowest maintenance It cannot be accepted to add more maintenance of original supply system and the equipment while setting in an energy saving unit. It is the best no need to maintain anything of itself. (iv) Return period with rapidly speed Short return period on investment means high rate of recovery, which is the regular goal of investment for most enterprises. (v) Must be able to have long life span The life cycle must be longer than return period, thus saving power as well as saving money. The more long life span of saving energy unit the more profit from saving energy.

13 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

14 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : (i)Principium & character of E-SAVER Based on newly electromagnet balance theory,optimizing the quality of voltage of power supply system.It can made the voltage of loading become balanced and stabled,and adjust residual voltage to befitting voltage of the facilities.It can also improve the power factor,and achieve the purpose of saving energy. E-SAVER energy saving unit is made of some special material by an environmental protection method. Using some high-tech magnetic superconductor to reel in an unique way and form a very simple device which can reach an optimal effect of energy saving.

15 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ◎ Balancing the phase voltage ◎ Optimizing the voltage and current of the circuit ◎ Reducing the peak voltage and the residual voltage ◎ Reducing the current of loading ◎ Increasing the power factor of the circuit ◎ Filtering the harmonic wave and surge in the circuit ◎ Reducing the influence of instantaneous over-current/voltage to equipment caused by transient load. ◎ diminishing load of transformer. ◎ Lengthening life cycle of the facilities. ◎ Enhancing the reliability and endurance of the circuit and the power supply system.

16 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : (ii)Save power benefit 1. Direct benefit High saving rate to 10%-20% 2. Indirect benefit Lengthen the facilities's life, too high or too low's power voltage can bring negative impact for all facilities's life. E-SAVER can supply stable power voltage, promote power supply quality and lengthen the facilities's life cycle. The consumption of power will decrease by 10%~20% After setting E-SAVER, and that will also increase the capacity of power supply system, and lower the working pressure of switch and circuit.

17 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : Less equipment over-heat The current of load and the harmonic in the circuit should be apparently decreased after setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit. And then less equipment over-heat, longer life cycle. 4. Environmental protection There should be 0.53KG CO 2 come in to being while 1KWH power was produced. Saving energy then,at the same time reducing the emission of CO 2, easing the threat of the green house effect.contributing to environmental protection.

18 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ( ⅲ ). Quality Guarantee 1. Safety Guarantee Our product passed the safety certification and function testing from Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center,Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute,The Low Voltage Apparatus Testing Station of Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute,Reality Inspection and Testing Centre of Electric Equipment Ministry of Electric power. 2. Quality of power Guarantee Under the control of microcomputer, E-SAVER provide the qualified power from power supply system,and cut down the over-voltage to the optimum voltage according to the equipment. To save 10-20% energy through our special technology, and the BY- PASS guarantee in normal operating when the voltage is lover than the rated voltage.

19 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : Longevity Guarantee Run normally more than 15 years because of not many complex electronic component parts and no machinery abrading. And we offer 10 years guarantee under normal usage. 4. Quality guarantee Manufacturing plants were certified with ISO 9001,ISO Our products are produced with high quality of materials and under strict QC system.

20 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

21 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 節電系統說明節電系統說明 Saving energy unit introduction ● E-SAVER energy saving unit product introduction ● Bi-ways communication to find out power using status. 〞 Why is power cost so high ? 〝 〞 Can saving power cost be true ? 〝

22 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 迴路調查迴路調查 circuit Investigation ● Professional power engineer investigation in site ● Main transformer capacity and operation status ● circuit Investigation voltage 、 current 、 the ratio of power and lighting 、 circuit diagram 、 field inspection and real route investigation.

23 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 分析評估分析評估 Appraisal ● Data deeply analysis 、 accept customer's intent 、 special case discussion ● Select applicable equipment to match ● Run investment and profit analysis ● Assist customers to solve power trouble ● Submit complete report to customer.

24 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 簽訂合約簽訂合約 Sign Contract ● Trade Conference ● Product preparation, confirm

25 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 工程安裝工程安裝 Equipment Construction ● According to the site situation to arrange the outside work ● Need short power off while connection,and test

26 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 調試運轉調試運轉 Trial run and adjustment ● Operate test and saving rate survey ● Instruction introduction

27 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 巡檢服務巡檢服務 Inspection service ● Implement periodical service ● Supply the relevant power system Consultant service

28 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

29 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅰ. Inspection service As E-SAVER has no complex parts and mechanical loss. Special design and production skill will not generate high temperature, shaking,waste oil and other bad things. But to delight customer,we provide periodical service per year

30 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅱ.Guarantee Service As E-SAVER‘s main material is high tech product, high temp-resistance can reach 180 ℃. If operate normally, E-SAVER's life should be over 15 years without change any accessory. From the equipping date,provide the following services: In normal condition, issue caused by product quality,master machine have ten years free services and other accessory have one year free service.

31 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅲ. Product liabilities insurance This product is insuranced through Allianz president General Insurance Company Ltd.(Taiwan Area)insurance application form No.89AMLI in amount of USD 1,930,000and USD1,000,000 of product liabilities insurance at The people's Insurance Company of China.Insurance Company(China Area)insurance application form No.PZPB to protect consumer rights. (USD:NT=1:31;USD:RMB=1:8.28)

32 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

33 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅰ、 What can impact the return period of E-SAVER investment? Answer : E-SAVER's investment return period is influenced by following matters : load factor, operation cycle, load character(power or lighting), electricity tariff, whether or not adopt any energy saving method already.

34 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅱ、 How about the limits of temperature and moisture for working of E-SAVER? Answer : There's some relative impact. There's no harm to E-SAVER in the environment that temperature is 50 ℃ below and moisture rate is under 90%RH. Good ventilation environment will be good.

35 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅲ、 Will E-SAVER bring any noise or interference of electromagnetic wave? Answer : No such things will be bring. It can also reduce surge and harmonic, providing accurate and stable voltage for loading.

36 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅳ、 What's the difference for E-SAVER and Capacitor ? Answer : 1. Capacitor is used to reduce phase lagging KVAR to achieve the goal of promote Pf., But Pf.'s promotion only can reduce the cost for power plant. For customer itself,it can reduce some cost of efficient factor penalty. but it's not very significant for major customers today.

37 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : Main function of E-SAVER is to decrease the electricity charge under not impacting the normal working status of the facilities, as well as raise Pf. by E-SAVER's special design. 3. As an additional benefit, E-SAVER raises power factor about 4%-6%, it can not completely replace capacitor. But if matching, can explore the effect.

38 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅴ、 Does E-SAVER energy saving unit still work when power factor of the circuit is already 100%? Will the Pf. be leading? Answer : 1. E-SAVER's main function is to reduce the active power,not the reactive power. So even if the Pf. is reach 100%, it should still have saving power effect. 2. E-SAVER is not capacitor, the Pf. will be keeping at 100% when the it reaches 100%,

39 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅵ、 What is the specification /type of E-SAVER ? Answer : 1. For customer's different needs, specification are: Such as phase 1ψ 、 3ψ,frequency among 50HZ 、 60HZ 、 rated voltage among 100V 、 110V 、 120V 、 200V 、 208V 、 220V 、 240V 、 380V 、 400V 、 440V 、 480V 、 capacity among 6.5KVA~75KVA(standard product), max 1000KVA 。 2. We also produce under customer's order, include auto-bypass, manual-bypass, standard, outdoor, etc.

40 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : ⅶ、 How do you get more benefit by E-SAVER ? Answer : 1. Setting up at a long time run circuit. 2. The higher the load factor,the more economical. 3. Setting up at a circuit which has not be improved yet. 4. Lighting circuit is more efficient than a power circuit. 5. more efficient to use E-SAVER in a higher electricity tariff area.

41 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

42 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 客戶使用實績 ( 台灣地區 ) 中國鋼鐵(已購買第二批)、統一精工、國瑞汽車(已購買第三批 ) 、統一超商 ( 已導入 1700 家,陸續導入中 ) 、台灣華可貴( YKK )、中華汽車(已購買第三 批)、裕隆汽車、東培工業(已購買第四批)、上銀科技、聯華氣體、宮廷樂 章大樓、中原大學、中壢六和高工、格蘭富公司(已購買第二批 ) 、錦和科 技、安托華汽車百貨賣場、全興工業、金車飲料、松青超市、東玉紡織、昌玉 針織、台惟工業、六和機械、德利斯電子、宏泰電工、九和汽車、三和汽車、 江申工業、台北六和大樓、台灣日鍛、德川食品、翰亞便利店、傑元興業、昌 峻興業、成功企業、安德診所、盈欣食品、松林食品、信利便利店、佳軒企業、 龍驛便利店、源客多便利店、樹人企業、康儷事業、順泉發企業、靖家實業、 裕多便立店、富慶實業、景美企業、羅飛超商、鼎逸企業 … 等

43 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX : 客戶使用實績 ( 大陸地區 ) 北京火車站, 北京公安部, 北京豐聯廣場, 北京化工大學, 北京服裝學院, 北京華聯廣 安門超市, 華聯京通新城超市, 北京燕莎望京及七分店, 北京京客隆總店及分店, 航空部 625 所, 中國航太技術服務中心, 北京中航技大樓, 北京第一商業局, 北京華聯大連店, 瀋 陽新世界百貨, 大連秋林女店, 煙臺港務局, 湖北武漢紡校, 江蘇蘇果超市, 南京招商銀 行, 鎮江裝飾城, 無錫新世界百貨, 昆山市路燈管理所, 昆山富士和機械, 昆山長興電子, 昆山金利商標, 昆山市新一醉大酒店, 杭州火車站, 杭州海外旅遊公司, 寧波高速公路, 奉化溪口路燈, 廣州 7-11 便利店, 深圳明潤超市, 深圳華潤萬方超市, 中國石化廣州國際 事業有限公司, 中山騰訊科技, 珠海日東房産公司, 珠海醋酸纖維, 紅塔集團恒智紙業, 深圳觀瀾湖高爾夫球場, 廈門倍順超市, 湖北當陽市政府 ……… 等

44 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :

45 Analysis report on setting up E-SAVER energy saving unit LIO HO MACHINE WORKS, LTD. TEL : EXT 1141 FAX :