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What is an effective way to save money? Think about items you purchase on a regular basis. Are there places where you can save money & cut back? Set up direct deposit and an automatic transfer to a savings account. Pay your bills on time. All of the Above.
Good Choice… but there is more! Evaluating your everyday purchases and trying to find ways to save is a great place to start. Try again. Hmnn… Maybe I should start using those super-saver coupons.
Setting up direct deposit of your pay checks and/or benefit checks with an automatic transfer to a savings account is a great and efficient way to start saving, but take a look again. You’re getting closer…
Try Again Paying your bills on time can help you save the added expenses of late fees, finance charges, disconnection and reconnection fees, but it is not the only answer.
CORRECT!!! Thinking about the purchases that you make, automatically having some money transferred to a savings account, and paying bills on time are all strategies that can help you effectively save money. To learn more about these and other savings tips, visit: Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort