Note to the teacher preview the PPT before showing since I have made some notes to the teacher (in RED) to explain things along the way. Once you understand the ppt – delete those slides.
Note to teacher - continued The pages at the end are in PDF and can be copied to your desk top and then printed from there. If you would like them in doc form, please contact me by . Also, please note I have made notes to the teacher on certain slides
Modern Day Myth The Odyssey Harry Potter The Wizard of Oz Star Wars
I. The Call to Adventure Hero is called to adventure by mistake or called by a herald who summons the hero. This call comes at a time when the hero is ready for inner growth. Agamemnon and Odysseus
Who calls Harry Potter to adventure?
Harry PotterHagrid (on behalf of Dumbledore)
Who calls Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz to adventure?
Dorothy Get’s called by a tornado
II. The Refusal of the Call The hero is not always eager to assume the adventure offered. This kind of hero is called a reluctant hero. Agamemnon calling Odysseus to war. Odysseus is a “reluctant” or “unwilling” hero.
III. The Refusal of the Call The hero has the opportunity to reject the call. If the hero refuses, his or her life may enter a state of paralysis until something happens to release him or her. (continued) Agamemnon calling Odysseus to war. Odysseus is a “reluctant” or “unwilling” hero.
The Refusal of the Call The hero may want to answer the call to adventure and this kind of hero is called a willing hero. Agamemnon calling Odysseus to war. Odysseus is a “reluctant” or “unwilling” hero.
Is Harry Potter a “willing” or “reluctant” Hero?
Harry Potter is a Willing Hero
Is Dorothy a “willing” or “reluctant” Hero?
Dorothy is a reluctant hero
Supernatural Aid The hero encounters a helper as the journey begins: a guide and protector (often an old woman or old man) Athena
Supernatural Aid The protector usually appears to one who has already accepted the call but not always. The helper is often a wizard, hermit, or shepherd. Athena
Who is Harry Potter’s Supernatural Aid?
Who is Dorothy’s Supernatural Aid?
Glinda the Good Witch
IV. The Crossing of the 1st Threshold The hero goes beyond the boundaries of everyday life accompanied by the guide and faces dangerous forces of the unknown.
Harry Potter encounters…
“Fluffy” in Harry Potter
Do you notice any similarities to characters in Greek Mythology?
Dorothy encounters…
Wicked Witch
V. Belly of the Whale The hero is “swallowed” up by the unknown. (Gate to Hades) There he awaits the rebirth or release from this state.
Where is Harry Potter’s Belly of the Whale
Where is Dorothy’s Belly of the Whale
Yellow Brick Road Wizard of Oz
VI. The Road of Trials The hero undergoes a series of trials often on a perilous journey. The guide or other helpers support him. Each trial prepares him for the ultimate goal.
The Road of Trials Each trial may bring new victories. Victories may be repeated but are not lasting.
Take a minute to list at least 8 trials that Odysseus had to deal with to get back home.
1. Cyclops
What trials did Harry Potter encounter?
For example Harry had to: √Get the Sorcerer’s Stone √Fight “the one who shall not be named.” √Find the Horcruxes
What trials did Dorothy encounter?
Dorothy’s trial is to get the broom of the wicked witch
Trials for Dorothy include the flying monkeys
More trials for Dorothy Dorothy and the Poppy Field (Remind you of …Odysseus and the Lotus Eaters?)
Helpers Helpers are not in your packet but are worth mentioning because all great heroes have helpers!
Odysseus Could not make it home without help.
Scylla and Charybdis “Additional Helpers” Athena his wise guide. Circe Odysse y Tiresias Odysseus’ helpers are his men!
Harry Potter had helpers!
Battles with Snape Besides --- Harry’s Wise Guide Dumbledore Harry Potter
Harry’s main supporters through his trials are Ron and Hermoine
Dorothy had helpers!
Helpers for Dorothy Cowardly Lion, Strawman, Tinman And, of Course, her Wise Guide Glinda
VII. The Magical Flight This is often the climax where the hero defeats the antagonist using his or her new knowledge. (Continued)
The Magical Flight The hero returns to the world from which he came accompanied by his guardian.
Harry Potter
Glinda who tells Dorothy that she has had the power to go home the entire time.
VIII. The Crossing of the Return Threshold The hero leaves the realm of the unknown and returns from the dark to the light. The transition is not easy. He may hold the belief that those from his former world cannot comprehend what the hero has learned.
IX. Master of the Two Worlds The hero through the journey, has won the ability to pass back and forth from one world to the other.
X. Freedom to Live The hero can now live with the new freedom as a result of the journey, having matured and grown. Fear of death has no power over him.
Review your notes and complete the questions on pages 3 & 4 I. Call to Adventure II. The Refusal of the Call III. Supernatural Aid IV. The crossing of the First Threshold V. The Belly of the Whale VI. Road of Trials VII. The Magical Flight VIII. The crossing of the Return Threshold IX. Master of Two Worlds X. Freedom to Live
Student Handout
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry PotterDorothy A. Call toYes or NoYes or NoYes or No Adventure YesYesYes Agamennon Hagrid Twister Athena (Dumbledore) Neighbor
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry PotterDorothy B. Refusal ofYes or NoYes or NoYes or No The Call NoWilling Unwilling he accepts accepts accepts ReluctantDumbledoreGlinda Obligated
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry PotterDorothy C. Supernatural Yes or NoYes or NoYes or No Aid YesYesYes AthenaDumbledoreGlinda
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry PotterDorothy D. Crossing theYes or NoYes or NoYes or No 1st Threshold YesYesYes Cyclops Fluffy Wicked Or Witch Poseidon
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry PotterDorothy E. Belly of the Whale or Unknown Journey Rebirth HadesHogwarts Yellow Brick Road
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy F.Road of See ListAdventures Yellow Brick Trialsat Hogwarts Road Helpers continued on next slide
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy F.Road of Trials (cont.) Road of Trails Often has HelpersMenHermoine Lion Ron Scarecrow Tin man
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy G. Magical FlightAthenaDumbledore Glinda Accompanied
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy H Crossing theReturn NotReturns Returns ThresholdEasyRepeatedly Home & Sees Value of Home.
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy I.Master of 2Makes a Yes No WorldsChoicePasses Easily Between the 2
Hero’s JourneyOdysseyHarry Potter Dorothy J.FreedomYesYes Yes To Live
The End
End of initial teaching phase Comparing Odyssey, HP, and Wizard of Oz Teacher needs to decide if they are going to show Star Wars. before proceeding from here.
How does Star Wars exemplify The Hero’s Journey?
NOTE TO TEACHER - We show The History Channel – They Legacy Revealed Where George Lucas talks about the Hero’s Journey. However you can show the movie Star Wars and use the next sheet.
Student Handout
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KEY Student Handout - pdf
Bonus examples – add them if you want them!
Other examples I.Call to Adventure The frog who visits the princess by the wooded well in The Frog King, or King Arthur's Great White Hart in Le Morte D'Arthur. II. The Refusal of the Call Briar Rose's refusal of the end of adolescence and III. Supernatural Aid Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, whose gift to Luke Skywalker is his father's lightsaber.
IV. The crossing of the First Threshold V.The Belly of the Whale Hercules dives into the sea-monster's throat to save Hesione (Campbell, pg. 91), or Little Red Riding Hood is swallowed by the wolf.
VI.Road of Trials Psyche's trials as doled out by Venus as she tries to find Cupid. VII. The Magical Flight In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood refuse to look upon the Ark as it is opened, knowing the knowledge imparted to them would also kill them. The entities that emerge from the Ark at first are beautiful and then transform into hags.
VIII. The crossing of the Return Threshold In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy begins his journey by searching for the Holy Grail, but in the end he must leave it behind and realizes that the true Elixir is the renewed relationship with his father.
IX. Master of Two Worlds
Review your notes and complete the questions on page 3 X. Freedom to Live In Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose gives up her fears of adulthood and with the prince enters back into the ordinary world, where life continues as it had been before her ordeal.