Energy Saving Trust Malcolm Potter Regional Microgeneration Coordinator
Make the technology affordable Offer good return on investment Stimulate the market Significant contribution to low carbon electricity generation. Feed in Tariffs (Clean Energy Cashback)
Feed In Tariffs (FITs)
Illustration of potential electricity flows for an on-site generator
Feed In Tariffs (FITs) Illustration of potential electricity flows for an on-site generator – annual consumption (an example) Costs £4 – 6000/KWp installed Generation tariff: 41.3p/kWh £ Export tariff: 3p/kWh £27.00 Import savings: 14p/kWh £ TOTAL£841.10
Eligibility & Payment 5MW limit (= 5000kW) Wide range of technologies –Wind, Solar PV, Hydro Accreditation –Product and installer MCS certificated Payments to be made by suppliers Set to deliver an approximate rate of return of 5-8% for well sited installations
Table of tariffs up to 2013 TechnologyScale Tariff level for new installations (p/kWh) [NB tariffs will be inflated annually] Tariff lifetime (years) Year 1: 1/4/10 – 31/3/11 Year 2: 1/4/11 – 31/3/12 Year 3: 1/4/12 – 31/3/13 Anaerobic digestion≤500kW Hydro≤15 kW PV≤4kW (new build) PV≤4kW (retrofit) Wind≤1.5kW Wind> kW Export tariff = 3p/kWh Not the full list of tariffs. Only those most relevant to domestic properties.
FITs– effects and issues Enquiries to the Energy Saving Trust advice centre about renewable energy have doubled since January Number of local MCS accredited companies up by 50% RHI consultation LCBP grants ceased Change of government
Supply chain initiative Analysis of the market Likely demand Supply capability Manufacturers
NERA Local supply chain alliance to: Increase competitiveness Increase delivery capability Improve economies of scale Share resources Increase visibility and market presence Voice of industry.
Thank you for listening Any questions?
Energy Saving Trust Malcolm Potter Regional Microgeneration Coordinator