A heroes journey A guide to understanding how almost every story, movie, or television show is written. Use the bookmarks for Hero’s Journey and the Star Wars Youtube video.
Stage 1a: Ordinary World: Harry Potter is a boy who lives in london with his aunt uncle and cousin he doesn’t realy like them and they don’t like him either. They make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs The ordinary world is described in a way so that it contrasts greatly with the exciting fantasy world that will make up the adventures in the book. Star Wars: Luke Skywalker’s ordinary world take place a long time ago in a a galaxy far away. He lives with his aunt and uncle. They all live and work on a water farm on a barren desert planet. Luke is really board and kind of bratty.
Stage 1b: Ordinary World: All the Lovely Bad Ones Travis and Terry are interesting characters because they are flawed. They live in modern day New England where they pull a lot of pranks and get kicked out of summer camp and summer school. Use this text box to compare the “ordinary world” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
Stage 2a: The Call to Adventure: Star wars his mentor ben kanobe tells him to learn the force and join him. Harry potter starts getting mail from hagwarts a wizard school he doesn’t know hes a wizard but his aunt and uncle do. They hide the letters but one day mail starts pouring out of the chimney but they still take the mail away from harry they decide to move far away one night someone barged in the door he said his name was hagred he gave harry a birthday cake he was turning 11 he told him about hagwart school and he said harry was going his aunt and uncle didn’t want him to go but he would go anyway
Stage 2b: Call to Adventure: All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to write a short description of the adventure. Insert an image to the side. Use this text box to compare the “the call to adventure” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
Stage 3a: The Refusal of the Call (Not necessarily applicable to MDH books or Harry Potter) Transformers: Use this text box to explain “refusal to call”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: luke tells his mentor ben kanobe he cant go he has to much wok to do on the water farm.
Stage 3b: Refusal to Call Is this a stage in Bad Ones? Use this place to explain if young adult literature like Bad Ones and Harry Potter does not necessarily have this stage. Use this text box to compare the “refusal to call” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
Stage 4a: Meeting the Mentor (Most definitely applicable Harry Potter and Star Wars and Batman, Superman, etc. However, the element of isolation affects the use of this stage for Bad Ones.) Harry Potter: harrys mentor is Dumbledore another is hagrid hagred tells him he knew his parents and they were wizards hagred took Harry to get his supplies for wizard school. Use this text box to explain “meeting the mentor”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: the mentor in star wars is obi 1 Kenobi he saves Luke from the sand people. He told luke he knew his father. He also told him that his lukes father was killed by darth vador Batman: the mentor in batman is the butler
Stage 4b: Meeting the Mentor All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to explain why young adult literature like Bad Ones and Holes does not necessarily use this stage. Use this text box to compare the “mentor” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
5a: Crossing the Threshold Harry Potter: crosssing the threshold in Harry potter is when harry finds out he is a wizard Use this text box to explain “crossing the threshold”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: crossing the threshold in this movie is when they go to cantina and when they go in the bar.
5b: Crossing the Threshold All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to write a short description of the hero’s first realization that something weird is going on. Use this text box to compare the “crossing the threshold” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
6a: Allies and Enemies Fellowship of the Ring: use this place to describe the friends and how they are often vary in personality and abilities. Also, describe the enemy Use this text box to explain “allies and enemies”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: use this place to describe the friends and how they are often vary in personality and abilities. Also, describe the enemy
6b: Allies and Enemies All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to write a short description of the hero and setting. Insert an image to the side. Use this text box to compare the “allies and enemies” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
7a: Approach to the inmost cave Batman: in the beginning batman has a fear of bats. He drops into a well and there's a bunch of bats he has to face his fear then he becomes batman. Use this text box to explain “inmost cave”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: the inermost cave is when ben kanobe makes luke learn the force with instinct with a blast sheild on.
7b: Approach to the inmost cave All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to write a short description of the hero’s fear. Insert an image to the side. Use this text box to compare the “inmost cave” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
8a: The Ordeal Deep and dark and dangerous the climax of deep and dark and dangerous is when sissy takes Ali and Emma into the lake on the canoe. The ordeal is an important part of rising action or climax. Star Wars: use this place to explain this important element of rising action (near the top or climax)
8b: The Ordeal: All the Lovely Bad Ones Use this place to write a short description of the ordeal. Use this text box to compare the “ordeal” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
9a: The Reward Wizard of Oz: in wizards of oz the reward is getting to go home to Kansas Use this text box to explain “the reward”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Star Wars: what does the hero earn. Insert image below.
9b: The Reward: All the Lovely Bad Ones What do the heroes earn? Insert image below. Insert an image to the side. Use this text box to compare the “rewards” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
10a: The Road Home Wizard of Oz: What is in the way of the hero returning to a normal life Use this text box to explain “road”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Fellowship:
10b: Road Home All the Lovely Bad Ones How do the characters get to their homes or places they wish to be? Insert image below. Use this text box to compare the “road home” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
11a: Return with the Elixir Wizard of Oz: The elixir is a metaphor of the lesson learned or morale. Use this text box to explain “elixir”. Explain why it is important to story telling. Check internet bookmark for help. Fellowship:
11b: Return with the Elixir All the Lovely Bad Ones What do they learn? Redemption? Insert image below. Use this text box to compare the “elixir” of “Bad Ones” to another well known story (Spiderman, Holes, Series of Unfortunate, Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) Insert image of your choice of story to the left.
Summary: How will understanding the Hero’s Journey help me to be a better reader?