A Place on the PODIUM 2012 Kate Potter Unit Head – PODIUM ‘The Further and Higher Education Unit for the 2012 Games’
Context Major sports events – the wider agenda Limited research on the potential to have long term positive impact (Brown et al 2001) Concentration on economic dividend (Montreal/Munich v Los Angeles/Atlanta) Barcelona Games as a ‘catalyst for change’ – physical regeneration
Manchester 2002 Success of staging Commonwealth Games – link to wider economic and social regeneration strategy £6.2M SRB programme £20M North West Economic and Social Legacy programme 1999 – 2004 Sport England ‘Wider Opportunities Programme’
Women’s Euro 2005 FA and Sport England funded programme Social agenda; health, equity, active participation Implementation of lessons learned from 2002 ‘Long sunrise and short sunset’ (Robinson 2006) Importance of link to existing strategy and programmes
Podium – London 2012 London Higher – vision of the potential for the sector Plan developed – HEFCE/LSC funding secured to July 2008 Main aim - to develop a Business Opportunities Plan to ‘engage’ with the 2012 Games Opportunities to contribute to the successful staging and delivery of the 2012 Games Opportunities to contribute to the development of the sustainable legacy of the 2012 Games
How? Communication and Coordination to and from the sector to Games authorities facilitating partnership working within the sector and with other stakeholders managing expectation
PODIUM - five main areas Community Engagement Skills and Employability Business and enterprise Cultural Olympiad Active participation in sport Cross cutting themes
PODIUM – ‘Action’ groups Bottom up approach – input from institutions (including students) and stakeholders What are the ‘big ideas’? Existing strategy – what’s happening now and who’s doing (planning to do) what? Opportunity to spread current good practice Opportunity to address gaps in delivery 2-3 meetings with end result of an overview from each AG to inform the Business Opportunities Plan.
Other activity Podium (London) Audit of HE and FE activity for Beijing 2008 World Cities demonstrator project – Sydney ‘Early Wins’ programme
Raising profile Opportunities directly associated with staging and delivery of the 2012 Games - - Holding and Training camps - - Non accredited media - - Post Games facility use - - Skills to build the stage and deliver the spectacle Case studies
Raising profile Developing the opportunities more widely – engaging new communities, building new strategic partnerships Sustainable legacy - HE and FE institutions will remain post 2012 Case studies Knowledge transfer to other major sports events
The big picture Using the power of the world’s largest sporting event to act as a catalyst for change Using the power of the world’s largest sporting event to act as a catalyst for change Ways of thinking and ways of working Ways of thinking and ways of working Two Key Concepts Two Key Concepts ‘A victory podium is only 22 inches above the ground, but the view from the top stretches forever’ 1 Avoid the if only ‘scenario’ Avoid the if only ‘scenario’
Next steps Get involved with Podium, keep updated – sign up to the e- zine on the web site
Further reading Brown, A., Bull, M. and Wynne, D. (2001) The Sports Development Impact of the Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games : Initial Baseline Study: Final Report. London: UK Sport. ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd. (undated) An evaluation of the Commonwealth Games Legacy Programme. Leeds UK ECOTEC Faber Maunsell with Vision Consulting and Roger Tymms and partners (2004). Commonwealth Games Benefits Study; Final report to the NWDA. NWDA Potter, K. (2006) Using the power of a major sporting event as a catalyst for community regeneration. Case study – Women’s Euro Preston UK: IFI. Robinson, B. (2006) Lessons from Salt Lake. Leisure Manager July/August 2006: pp 26 Vigor, A., Mean, M. and Tims, C. (eds) (2004) After the Gold Rush; a sustainable Olympics for London. London: IPPR
PODIUM The Further and Higher Education Unit for the 2012 Games Kate Potter PODIUM - Unit Head E: M: Gareth Smith PODIUM – Deputy Head of Unit E: T: M: W: 1.Taken with kind permission from the Own the Podium 2010 Manifesto. This manifesto was created by the OTP Funding Parties which are the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.