Fanfiction Melissa Nilan.
What is Fanfiction? Original fiction by fans of a show, movie, book or video game. Involves the characters and/or the world they live in Usually non-profit Usually written without consent from the author/creator “Derivative works” in legal terminology
Why write Fanfiction? From mind to paper, turn your ideas and opinions into a story you can share Analyze, interpret, understand author’s story Improve writing skills Networking with other budding writers
Terminology Canon Established history and characterizations of the show, movie, book, etc. What is considered canon can differ from fandom to fandom. Fandom All fan activities around and about a particular canon.
Popular Genres within Fanfaction Major Action/Adventure Mystery Sci-Fi Fantasy Drama Romance Horror Parody Minor Angst Spiritual Supernatural Hurt/Comfort Friendship Family Fluff AU (alternative-universe) Crossover
Genre: Slash Shipper: From “relationship.” A fan who supports a particular romantic pairing, whether or not it is canon. Slash Grup – adult fanzine, est.1972 First story published in 1974 (Kirt/Spock) “/” designator introduced at the same time Thrust, an all-slash Star Trek fanzine, 1978
Characters OC = Original character Mary-Sue Identified in Star Trek fanfiction by Paula Smith in The term is now recognized in all fandoms. “The fear of committing a Mary Sue, and consequent avoidance of writing oneself into a story except with obvious ironic intent, seems to have gone very deep into fanfic.”
History of Fanfiction Early fanfiction Troilus & Criseyde King Arthur Bible Early Modern fanfiction Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland Jane Austen Charles Dickens Sherlock Holmes
History of Fanfiction – cont’d Modern Era fanfiction Shakespeare Star Trek The onset of the World Wide Web goes online in 1998 Fifty Shades of Grey started as Twilight fanfiction and was re-worked to be an original story
Statistics – Top Fandoms on Stories based on books: Harry Potter = 613,558 Twilight = 201,502 Lord of the Rings = 46,842 Hunger Games = 25,272 Stories based on anime/manga: Naruto = 312,718 Inuyasha = 104,993
Statistics – Top Fandoms on Stories based on movies: Star Wars = 29,067 Pirates of the Carribean = 19,609 Stories based on TV shows: Glee = 81,595 Supernatural = 66,672 Buffy the Vampire Slayer = 44,796
Issues and Debates Stealing / Copyright Generally, an author’s work will become “public domain” (copyright expires) 50 to 70 years after the author’s death. At this time, fanfiction can legally be published for profit. Changes author intent Unoriginal and lazy
Links Multi-fandom archives Harry Potter fanfiction archives
Resources The Democratic Genre: Fan Fiction in a Literary Context by Sheenagh Pugh Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet edited by Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse