Demonstration of How to Use the CAASPP ISAAP Tool
2 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Purpose By the end of this demonstration, you will know… 1.The layout of the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 2.How to use the CAASPP ISAAP Tool to select designated supports and accommodations for a student 3.How to generate a report in the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 4.How to create a TOMS upload file from the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 5.How to create a TOMS upload file from multiple CAASPP ISAAP Tools 6.Ideas and suggestions for how the CAASPP ISAAP Tool may be used
3 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Example of an ISAAP Student Profile #1 Student: Maria Martinez Grade: 5 Notes: (Teacher, Maria, Mrs. Martinez) −English learner; CELDT −Reads and writes Spanish (confirmed by mother) −Uses translation glossary support and bilingual dictionary in classroom; works with partner; benefits from hearing English read aloud
4 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Example of an ISAAP Student Profile #2 Student: Carl Potter Grade: 7 Notes: (IEP) −Easily distracted −Needs support for reading due to auditory processing disorder Assign: Text-to-speech for items and reading passages and masking
5 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Example of an ISAAP Student Profile #3 Student: Mei Wong Grade: 4 Notes: (504 Plan) −Broke her arm recently −Needs scribing assistance to enter her responses Assign: Scribe and speech-to-text
6 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Example of an ISAAP Student Profile #4 Student: David Levin Grade: 8 Notes: (IEP) −Partially sighted; sits in front of class −Uses a magnification/monocular device −Uses an abacus for counting and adding Assign: Magnification device, abacus, and streamlining
7 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool You have completed multiple CAASPP ISAAP Tools and want to create a single upload file for TOMS. To create the upload file, ensure that you first: Save all CAASPP ISAAP files as.xlsm files Include “isaap” in the filename of all CAASPP ISAAP files Save all CAASPP ISAAP files within the same directory Creating the Upload File through the CAASPP ISAAP Tool
8 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 1.Open any one of your CAASPP ISAAP files saved in your specified directory. Creating the Upload File through the ISAAP Tool
9 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 2.Open the worksheet in the [Report] tab. 3.Select the [Click this button to produce a Smarter Balanced accommodations upload file for TOMS] button. Creating the Upload File through the ISAAP Tool
10 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 4.Select [Yes] at the prompt. This will open a new [Book#] Excel file, which is the online student test settings file that can be uploaded to TOMS. Creating the Upload File through the ISAAP Tool
11 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool 5.Save the file in.csv format. 6.Upload the file on the Upload Online Student Test Settings page in the TOMS interface. Creating the Upload File through the ISAAP Tool
12 Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool Customize for unique school and LEA needs and resources to define role of the ISAAP tool: Part of an IEP or Section 504 plan meeting For classroom teachers For a designated ISAAP facilitator For CAASPP Test Site Coordinators For LEA CAASPP Coordinators Suggestions for Using the CAASPP ISAAP Tool