Surveys of Enacted Curriculum – English Language Learner Project Jacqueline Iribarren Abby Potter John Smithson Shelley Lee
Why ELL Project NAEP results, th grade ELLs 36 points below non-ELLs in reading, 25 below in math 8 th grade gap – 42 below in reading 37 in math Source: American Educator
SEC ELL Project Goals 1.To what extent do English language learners have opportunity to learn the subject content specified in state academic standards and assessed on state assessments? 2.What is the relationship of academic English language development standards and assessments to state academic standards? 3.What instructional practices and strategies are used to teach academic English language skills across different subject areas or courses? 4.What is the relationship between the extent of alignment of instruction to standards and student achievement?
SEC ELL Unique Features First project of this nature to focus on ELL’s Coding process for language demand and complexity in addition to content and cognitive demands of regular SEC Information about specific practices (enacted classroom practices) used with ELLs Both regular education and ELL teachers involved in the survey activities
In Wisconsin In March 2008, 44,800 ELLs took the ACCESS test Approx. 29,000 Spanish Speakers Approx. 13,000 Hmong Speakers 200 home languages
Wisconsin Language Group
Title III Federal funding titles under NCLB Improve the academic achievement of ELLs Accountability requirements (progress & exit) I®
Title III Requirements English Language Proficiency Standards Annual measurable achievement objectives (English language proficiency) Increase English Language Proficiency & Academic Achievement Title I Requirements Academic content Standards Academic Achievement Standards Annual measurable achievement objectives (Academic)
In Summary: Must increase English language proficiency Must meet AYP under large-scale assessment
Wisconsin Picture: Growth of ELLs
Increase in ELLs in WI (in both rural and urban areas) calls for more professional development for both ESL and content areas teachers in the areas of –Effective instructional strategies –Implementation of ELP standards –Scaffolding strategies in content areas –Academic content language
ELL Achievement: SCIENCE
ELL Achievement: MATH
Wisconsin’s Desired Project Outcomes Maps the linkage between the ELP assessment, content area standards, content assessment & ELP standards Via analysis and research – language demands for students while learning the content found in the standards and assessment framework, and WKCE ESL enacted activities in the classroom SEC ELL inform the state’s professional development plan
Wisconsin Pathway/Roadmap Who we selected Why they were chosen Procedures
Wisconsin’s State Data
Wisconsin’s SEC Data