AN EXTREME MAKE OVER: Jeremiah18:1-6
INTRODUCTION: (1.)NRS is under both physical and spiritual RECONSTRUCTION. -Whenever there is physical reconstruction in the absence of -Whenever there is physical reconstruction in the absence of spiritual reconstruction, it’s highly possible to walk in a new spiritual reconstruction, it’s highly possible to walk in a new place with the same old mind set. place with the same old mind set. *Whenever you go to a new place with the old mind; you *Whenever you go to a new place with the old mind; you don’t look like the place, but the place starts to look like don’t look like the place, but the place starts to look like you. you. (2.)God wants to make our minds over (Philippians 2:5-11). -We must have the mind of Christ (Humility & Obedience). -We must have the mind of Christ (Humility & Obedience). *This mind leads to exaltation (promotion). *This mind leads to exaltation (promotion).
AN EXTREME MAKE OVER: Jeremiah 18:1-6 BODY: (Judah had a messed up, disobedient mind!) (A.)Jeremiah was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom of Judah during their time of disobedience to God. -Judah means praise. -Judah means praise. *It’s sadly possible to be a loud, yet disobedient praiser. *It’s sadly possible to be a loud, yet disobedient praiser. (B.)Jeremiah was known as the “Weeping Prophet.” -He wept over the disobedient state of Judah. -He wept over the disobedient state of Judah. -He wanted more for Judah than what they wanted for -He wanted more for Judah than what they wanted for themselves. themselves. *I will not be the weeping pastor! *I will not be the weeping pastor! *WE WILL DESIRE GOD TOGETHER! *WE WILL DESIRE GOD TOGETHER!
AN EXTREME MAKE OVER: Jeremiah 18:1-6 BODY: (C.)VS.1-6 God uses the analogy of the potter remaking the clay to tell Judah that he wanted to make them over. -VS.4 The vessel of clay was marred (adjective that means -VS.4 The vessel of clay was marred (adjective that means corrupt/flawed) in the hand of the potter. corrupt/flawed) in the hand of the potter. *Like this vessel, we are flawed, but Thanks be to God that *Like this vessel, we are flawed, but Thanks be to God that we are still in his hands. we are still in his hands. (D.)VS.4 The vessel of clay was marred (verb that means “to crush”) in the hand of the potter. -The potter had to crush the clay to make it over. -The potter had to crush the clay to make it over. *God allows circumstances in life to crush us to make us over *God allows circumstances in life to crush us to make us over (Ouch!!!!). (Ouch!!!!).
AN EXTREME MAKE OVER: Jeremiah 18:1-6 CLOSE: (1.)2 THINGS TO REMEMBER: (A.)Being made over is a process that is necessary to receive (A.)Being made over is a process that is necessary to receive God’s promises. God’s promises. (B.)Romans 8:28 “ And we know that all things work (B.)Romans 8:28 “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” who are the called according to his purpose.”