J.K. Rowling By: Joan Price Ethan Eiselt 7 HOP
Name of person featured in book/ Description of person J.K. Rowling is mention in the book. She is an English writer
Who were the important people in this person’s life? The most important person/ people in her life was her neighbors who last name was Potter which made the name “Harry Potter.” Couple of other people that were important was her sister Di and her parents who her motivated her.
What did you like best of all the things that happened to this person? The best of all the things that happened to this person is the Harry Potter books that she made.
Did the subject of this biography have a hero or role model who set an example? In this biography there wasn’t a hero.
Tell about a time when this person made a little extra effect that made a big difference. What would have happened if that extra effort would not have been made? The little extra effect that made a big difference was that if she never kept on trying to write the the book she would not of been rich and famous.
What experiences or lessons from this person’s life could a reader apply to his or her own life The lesson from this person’s life a reader could apply to his or her own life could be that don’t ever give up and if you give up you’ll probably not be able to achieve your goals
List three things this person accomplished: The 1 st Harry Potter book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” The 2 nd Harry Potter book “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” The 3 rd Harry Potter book “ Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban”
What character traits did this person have that helped him or her achieve these accomplishments? List two, and give an example of a time this trait was shown in the book The character traits that she had that helped her achieve her accomplishments were bravery because she went to London to meet her publisher and her agent. Another was she was a goal setter because in the book it said : Exactly one year after her promise to herself, Jo finally published Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
This person had a lot of heart because… This person had a lot of heart because she didn’t give up, she wanted a daughter, she stuck it up and tried, did everything she can to get this book published.