ENGLISH FIRST PRESENTATION Hazal Kahyaoğlu İpek Parlak Ecrin Aldemir
H OGWARTS S CHOOL O F W ITCHCRAFT A ND W IZARDRY Harry Potter books written by J.K Rowling art There are 7 books and 8 films. The first film of the book was adapted to film in The main characters are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley.
They are going to Hogwards Witchcraft and Wizardry School. The school’s president is Dumbledore. The subject of the film. Harry and his friends are battle with Lord Voldemort.
H ARRY POTTER Harry Potter is the main character of the film. He has straight brown hair. He’s medium weight. He is kind and helpful person. He’s very talented wizard. His own mother is Lily Evans and own father is James Potter.
H ERMIONE G RANGER Hermione Jean Granger was born on september She’s muggle born Gryffindor student. She has curly brown hair. She’s medium weight. She’ very intelligent and successful student. Harry and Ron save her from a mountain troll in the girls toilet, she become close friends with Harry and Ron.
R ON W EASLEY He’s Harry Potter’s best friend. He has 5 brotherand one sistar. He has straight carrot hair. He is tall and slim. He has stark-legged, frekled, long nose and big feet and hands. She’s very pure but lovely person. And he loves Hermone since the beggining of the film.