What is an archetype? It describes the role that a character plays in a story. Think of a archetype as kind of like a mask that a character wears. Some characters play the same role in the story but others change roles.
What is a Hero’s Journey?? In fairy tales and myths, heroes slay dragons or monsters, do battle with evil minions and rescue the princess. During their life they undergo several steps that transform them from a nobody to a somebody. These steps are called the Hero’s Journey. There are 12 steps in the journey plus steps under each so I have taken the liberty to condense the steps and that should make it easier for you to understand and follow them.
What is a Hero? A hero is someone (male or female- female heroes are called heroines) who symbolizes important ideals and values of his or her home culture. EX: Superman fights for what is right and fair in the city of Metropolis.
The Elements of the Journey 1.Ordinary World - The hero's normal world before the story begins 2.Call to Adventure - The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure. There is usually great danger and reward. 3.Refusal of the Call/Quest - The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually because he's scared. 4. Accepting the Call/Entering the Unknown – Hero begins the journey and crosses the threshold into the unknown world. 5. Meeting the Mentor/Supernatural Aid - The hero meets a mentor to gain advice or training for the adventure
6. Talisman – A special (sometimes magical) item that helps the hero on their quest. 7. Allies, and Helpers – Companions help hero along the way. Companions may fall into certain archetypes. 8. Tests & the Supreme Ordeal – series of conflicts the hero must face. Supreme ordeal is the major conflict. 9. Reward and the Journey Home- The hero has survived death, overcomes his fear and now earns the reward. The hero must return to the Ordinary World 10. Master of Two Worlds- The hero is now master of both the unknown and ordinary worlds. He/she has achieved victory. The Elements of the Journey
Ordinary World The hero's normal world before the story begins. EX: In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, we meet a young orphan named Harry Potter who has no idea he is really a powerful wizard.
Call to Adventure The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure. EX: In The Wizard of Oz, the tornado is the “call to adventure” for Dorothy.
Refusal of the Call The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually because he is scared. EX: In The Lion King, Simba refuses to return to Pride Rock and accept his destiny.
Accepting the Call & Entering the Unknown The hero begins the journey to complete the quest and crosses the threshold into the unknown world. EX: In Wizard of Oz, Dorothy must learn the rules of Oz. Jonas must learn the rules of being The Receiver in The Giver.
Meeting with the Mentor The hero meets a mentor to gain advice or training for the adventure. Example: In Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother is the mentor. In Star Wars, the mentor for Luke Skywalker is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Talisman The hero finds or receives a special item that helps them on their quest. This item can sometimes be magical. The Wizard of Oz: Ruby Slippers Star Wars – Lightsaber
Allies and Helpers The hero meets allies that help him learns the rules of the special world. EX: In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy meets the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion.
Tests & the Supreme Ordeal The hero has hit setbacks during tests and may need to try a new idea. EX: In the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series, Percy goes through several obstacles with each obstacle being conquered a new way. The biggest life or death crisis for the hero is the Supreme Ordeal. EX: In The Wizard of Oz: Defeating the Wicked Witch.
Reward & the Journey Home The hero has survived death, overcomes his fear and now earns the reward. What was Jonas’ reward in The Giver? The journey home is the falling action of the story. Sometimes there are still an obstacle of two to overcome. Harry Potter must return every summer to his life with his aunt & uncle.
Master of Two Worlds Success of the hero’s quest is life- changing. By achieving victory, they have changed or preserved their original world or the Supernatural World. EX: Dorothy rids Oz of the Wicked Witch.
Bilbo’s Journey: Taking the 10 elements of a Hero’s Journey, you will create a PowerPoint project that will follow Bilbo’s Hero’s Journey in The Hobbit. Each slide will represent an element: give the definition of the element then explain how it relates to Bilbo. You will also need to use quotes from the novel,pictures and graphics on each slide. This will be worth ONE summative grade and is due Monday, October 8 th. * If you do not have access to PowerPoint, let me know.
Example slide: Ordinary World- The hero's normal world before the story begins. Ex: Bilbo lived a quiet, peaceful life in The Hill before the dwarves and Gandalf arrived. “…they (Baggins) never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.” (p.2) This is just an example slide of what information you need on your slides- be creative and set up your slide however you want!
Works Cited ney/ref/summary.htmlhttp:// ney/ref/summary.html awareness.ca/english/resources/education al/lessons/secondary/movies/movie_heroe s_journey.cfmhttp:// awareness.ca/english/resources/education al/lessons/secondary/movies/movie_heroe s_journey.cfm