SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Today’s Objective: I will examine a text that presents a Historical Perspective so I can determine the cultural significance of the Moor in English Renaissance drama. You will need the following for today’s lesson: SSR Book Composition Book SpringBoard Book Be sure to pick up a pink Act I & II Quiz Review sheet from the folder!
Silent Sustained Reading SSR Silently read a book of your choosing for 10 minutes. SSR Reflection Are there any characters in your book who make poor decisions? What causes them to make these decisions? Do other characters influence them to make these decisions? If so, why do they succumb to the influence of these characters?
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Today, you will read an essay that discusses the historical significance of the Moor and use a strategy to “chunk” a dense text. You may work in your acting companies for this activity, but each person must complete his or her own handout for a daily grade.
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Review: Levels of Questioning Literal – the answer can be found in the text and does not require any inferences or conclusions. Example: What did Harry Potter say to Hermione? Interpretive – to form an answer, you must draw inferences or conclusions about the text. Example: Why does Harry Potter feel responsible for ridding the wizarding world of Voldemort? Universal – these questions connect the text to the larger world or to other works of literature. Example: What can we learn about the fight between good and evil from the Harry Potter series?
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Chunk 1: Paragraphs 1-3 (15 minutes) Scan paragraphs 1-3 and highlight the words “Moor” or “Morocco.” Reread the paragraphs. This time, pay attention to the images and characterizations of the Moor. Highlight the words used to describe the characterization of the Moor. List at least 5 on your handout. What stereotypes are present? Create levels of questions for this chunk: 1 Literal 1 Interpretive 1 Universal
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Chunk 2: Paragraphs 4-6 (25 minutes) Locate four images that have been used so far to characterize the Moor (paragraphs 1-4). At least one of these images must come from paragraph 4. Read paragraph 5 and locate examples of power. Create levels of questions for this chunk.
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Chunk 3: Paragraphs 7-9 (20 minutes) Read the chunk and highlight the word, “Moor.” Note how this word is used. Reread paragraph 7 and highlight two sentences that state what conflict “Othello, the Moor of Venice,” embodies. Reread paragraph 8 and highlight what the Moor was a sign of and what the Moor was identified with. Record this information on your answer sheet. Reread paragraph 9 and determine how outsiders are marginalized by a dominant society. Record this information on your answer sheet. Create levels of questions for this chunk.
SB 3.10. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Closure Question What new information have you learned about the Moor and the history of Othello being performed? How can this understanding help us as we move onto Acts III – V and then write an analytical essay?