Lunch Money Vocabulary Practice
Feature Verb To give special attention to The concert will feature a flute solo.
Record Noun The highest or lowest measurement known, as in sports events or weather readings Takeru Kobayashi set a world record at the Nathan’s Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest.
Mental Adjective Occurring in or done in the mind We can do our basic multiplication facts as easy mental math.
Launch Noun The act of starting or setting into action It was very exciting to attend the launch of the Space Shuttle.
Incredible Adjective Extraordinary; so amazing that it is hard to believe The incredible performance of the acrobats had the entire audience stunned!
Thumb Verb To scan a text by turning pages After thumbing through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the boy knew it was a book that he would be interested in!
Episode Noun An incident that forms a distinct part of a story; a part in a series My favorite I Love Lucy episode is the one where Lucy is a spokesperson for the Vitametavegamin Company.
Develop Verb To grow and/or expand into something When Disney World decided to expand they developed Animal Kingdom.
Villain Noun A wicked, evil, and/or very bad person Ursula, Maleficent, and Jafar are all examples of evil Disney Villains that terrorize the other Disney characters.
Illustration Noun Some sort of drawing, picture, or artwork used to convey a thought or idea The child developed an illustration that conveyed a beautiful interpretation of a rainbow.
Goal Noun The result or achievement towards which effort is directed; directed aim The student studied hard to reach his goal of earning an A+.
Collection Noun A group of objects or materials that have been collected and are in one location From books to movies and more, my sister has a collection of many Harry Potter items!
Expensive Adjective High priced and costly The sports car was beautiful, but it was way too expensive for us!
Crease Noun A ridge or groove produced in something by folding, heat, pressure, etc My dress shirt had to be ironed because it had creases in it.
Recycle Verb To treat or process used or waste materials so as to make suitable for reuse Mrs. Van Dyke recycles her soda cans after she is finished with them.
Doodle Noun A quick drawing or scribble art There are many doodles in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series.