Managing Talent & Mentoring in the Fast Lane Michael A. Potter
Managing Talent & Mentoring in the Fast Lane Michael A. Potter Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Potter International The 8 th Middle East HR Conference & Expo Dubai, February 25 th, 2009
Michael A. Potter UK Born Head of MPA for 15 years Writer/Lecturer/Speaker/Consultant International Experience Fellow of CIPD (UK) Author of the book “ Mentoring in the Fast Lane ” Not Related to Harry Potter!
Michael A. Potter International HR & Management Consultants Training Specialists Organisational Development International Focus
Global Business Climate Credit Crunch Financial Meltdown Job Cuts Winners/Losers Globalisation Increasing client demands
Global Business Climate Technological advances Changing organisational structures High job turnover Increased concern with employees’ wellbeing Focus on personal growth
1396 organisations, over 60 countries Skills resource shortages Today's critical talent issues Impact of talent issues on organisation Plans to address talent issues Recent Global Talent Survey
Demographic Changes Source: UN Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision ( accessed 13/12/07
Demographic Changes Source: UN Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision ( accessed 13/12/07
Source: Deloitte Global Talent Pulse Survey Results 2005 Talent Shortage
Critical Issues 1.Attracting New Talent 2.Retention of Key Talent 3.Increasing Demand for Work/Life Balance
Global Talent Index Middle East is losing global battle for talent Survey of 30 countries by Heidrick & Struggles Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Iran in the bottom 5 of the Global Talent Index Estimated that UAE would receive a similar rank Middle East countries are not expected to make a significant change within the next 5 years USA – biggest talent hotspot
3 Key Strategies TALENT RecruitmentRetentionDevelopmen t
Recruitment Effective Recruitment Processes: Alignment with organisation objectives Vigilance when sifting Staff with right competencies
Recruitment Succession Planning Through Effective Investment Graduates and Junior Managers Internships
Development Learning & Development Offer learning and development opportunities Promotion to different departments Opportunities for everyone
Development Role Design Expand job roles – job enrichment & enlargement Whole process instead of confined routines Broaden skills
Retention Culture Culture fit Organisational citizenship Work/life balance & job security
Recruitment, Development, Retention Mentoring as a Solution Environment of constant learning Challenges Talent to stretch & strengthen their skills Provides opportunity to gain new competencies & experience Engages Talent in a discussion focused on their career development & expectations
Recruitment, Development, Retention Result: Attracting Talent through the promise of personal development Retaining Talent as enhanced job satisfaction & increased organisational commitment result in lower turnover rates
What is Mentoring? The word mentor derived from Greek mene (think) Greek mythology: Mentor, a friend of Odysseus (an Ithacan king), was entrusted with the education of Telemachus
Role of a Mentor Wise Counsellor Trusted Advisor & Guide Confidant Career Developer Role Model An “Inside Ear” Sounding Board Coach
Benefits to the Learner Access to professional counselling Maximising learning opportunities Clear goals Early contribution Networking and crossing departmental boundaries
Benefits to the Mentor Personal learning Job enrichment Exposure to new attitudes Movement across departments
Benefits to the Organisation Learning culture Responsive to change Increased department interaction Improved competency & efficiency Rapid transfer of experience Improved recruitment & staff turnover Improved cross-functional co-operation
Informal Mentoring Unstructured process Not imposed Naturally developed bond Not monitored by the training department
Formal Mentoring Structured process Depends on different formal programmes Thorough preparation. Requires a strong involvement of line managers & training department
A Successful Mentoring Session 3 stages Create the Climate Explore and Clarify Decide and Act
Mentoring Process 1. Goals established 2. Current reality agreed 3. New goals & possibilities explored 4. Goals evaluated & selected 5. Actions planned 6. Skills developed
Role of HR Central in designing and managing mentoring Choice of mentors Managing relationships Evaluating success
Case study: Executive Mentoring at UBS CONTEXT Financial services company operating globally Present in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Series of changes, mergers and acquisitions
Case study: Executive Mentoring at UBS Objective: be in effect ‘one firm’ operating an ‘integrated business model’ Solution: the leadership of the bank needs to be united Key element: Mentoring to deliver awareness
Why should we implement mentoring? 1.Rapid change 2.Learning-to-learn 3.Mentoring is a most effective method 4.Mentoring benefits all 5.Mentoring can work most organisations!
Points to remember 1.Executive mentoring – high level 2.Remote mentoring doesn’t always work 3.Personality clashes 4.Commitment issues 5.Different goals 6.There has to be an end 7.What happens next?
Author: Michael A. Potter Publisher: Lulu “Mentoring in the Fast Lane”
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