How to light up a bulb? ?
Wire Battery Bulb Electricity can produce light.
An Open Circuit WireBattery Bulb
A Closed Circuit Wire Battery Bulb
How does a switch work? Switch
How does a switch work? Switch
Electricity produces light. e.g. Traffic light e.g. Lamp
Electricity can also produce sound. Buzzer
Electricity can also produce sound.
Electricity can also produce sound.
Electricity produces sound. e.g. Alarm clock e.g. Door bell
Heating Filament Electricity can also produce heat.
Becomes hot Electricity can also produce heat.
Electricity produces heat. e.g. Toast oven e.g. Hair dryer
Electricity can also produce motion. Motor
Electricity can also produce motion. Turns
Electricity produces motion. e.g. Fan e.g. Car
Electricity can also produce electromagnetic effect. Iron wrapped with insulated copper wire
Electricity can also produce electromagnetic effect.
Electricity produces electromagnetic effect. e.g. Lifting magnet
Electricity produces: 1) Light 2) Sound 3) Heat 4) Motion 5) Electromagnetic Effect
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