CEILING FAN Object:- To study the part dismantling reassembling testing and repairing of ceiling fan. By:- Surya Lal TGT (WE) K.V.2,FCI GORAKHPUR
Schematic Circuit Diagram of Ceiling Fan & Regulator Connection
Working principle of Motor If a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field it experience a force and start to rotate. The direction of rotation can be found by Fleming’s Left Hand Rule. Motion Field Current + _ S N + -
Working principle of ceiling Fan In a ceiling fan there is a single phase capacitor start motor. There are main or running winding and auxilary or standard winding in the fan. Starting winding has capacitor in its series. Due to this capacitor single phase is divided in two phase and a rotating magnetic field is produced and due to internal reaction motor start to rotate.
PARTS OF CEILING FAN:- Shackle Shackle nut bolt & locking pins Down Rod Top & Bottom canopies Condensor Locking Screw 5mm Coupling bolts
PARTS OF CEILING FAN Terminal box Bearing Covers (Top & Bottom) Bearings (Top & Bottom) Body Covers (Top & Bottom) Stator (in sided) Rotor Windings
POSSIBLE FAULTS:- (A) Mechanical faults:- Bent shaft Wrong fitting of Stator Defect in bearing Due to all above faults fan may not run properly or run very slowly. After checking shaft and bearing should be change and stator can be fit properly.
(B) Electrical Faults:- Open circuit, Short circuit in main winding. Open circuit, Short circuit in main starting winding. Open circuit, Short circuit in the condensor. Earth Fault. Fan motor rotate in reverse direction.
TESTING & REPAIRING:- Open circuit short circuit & closed circuit test in Main winding:- Make the arrangement as per diagram- Main Winding s (i) If bulb gives no light :There is disconnection in the Main winding. (ii) If bulb gives full light: There is short circuit in the Main winding. (iii) If bulb gives dim light: There is no fault in the Main Winding.
(i) If bulb gives full light:-Then short circuit fault. Rewind it. 2. Open circuit short, short circuit and close circuit in starting winding. (i) If bulb gives full light:-Then short circuit fault. Rewind it. (ii) If bulb gives no light:-There is a disconnection in winding. Rewind it. (iii) If bulb gives dim light: winding has no fault. (O.K.) Main winding Starting winding
TESTING OF EARTH FAULT Make the arrangement as per circuit diagram and see the light effect of bulb- If bulb gives light: There is earth fault i.e. leakage of current in the metalic part of fan’ body. Check and remove it before using. If bulb gives no light: No earth fault i.e. no leakage of current in the body of fan.
Testing of Condensor Make arrangement as per diagram. (i) If bulb gives full light:-Then short circuit fault. Replace it. (ii) If bulb gives no light:-There is a disconnection/open in the Condensor. (iii) If bulb gives dim light: Condensor has no fault. (O.K.). Before removing or connecting the Condensor its both terminal should be short with screw driver to avoid electric shock .
REASSEMBLIG Close the bottom cover and screwed it. Make the connection as per diagram. Hang the fan at required place. Connect the fan connection to the supply wire.
Precautions Before hanging fan all testing should be done properly. Fan’s body (metallic part) should be earthed . Nut bolt should be tighten correctly. Locking pin should be used. Connection should not be lose.