Independent and Dependent Variables Biology Homework Chapter 1
Requirements The following steps are required for each problem on the homework. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Hypothesis (If…Then Statement) Data Table Sample Graph (extra credit)
Question 1: Light Bulb Temp. Independent Variable: Light bulb wattage (watts) Dependent Variable: L.B Temperature (0Celsius) Controls: Distance temp. recorded from light bulb. Room temp. must be consistent. Time that bulb is turned on. Brand/Type of bulb is the same. Use the same lamp.
Hypothesis: If we increase the bulb wattage, then the bulb temp Hypothesis: If we increase the bulb wattage, then the bulb temp. will increase also. Sample Data Table: Independent Var. Dependent Var. (Bulb Wattage) (Temperature oC) 40 Watts 60 Watts 75 Watts 100 Watts
Sample Graph Temperature (Celsius) Bulb Wattage (Watts)