Access 2 Physics A new course for 2007!
Access 2 Physics Energy Electricity Light, Colour and Sound Forces Magnetism Earth and Space
Access 2 Physics How will we work? � Talking � Writing � Planning � Recording - sound � Recording - video � Presenting - posters, leaflets, powerpoints, talks, mp3s, videos. Looking at books Looking at posters Watching videos Using the internet Doing surveys Explaining Drawing conclusions
Energy Sources and use of energy ð Measure solar energy in different places ð Investigate solar panels (number and angle) Do a survey to find which sources of energy we use to heat our homes. Find out about renewable and non- renewable sources of energy.
Sources and use of energy ð Measure solar energy in different places ð Investigate solar panels (size of panel, brightness of bulb and angle from bulb)
Measure solar energy in different places Place Reading on Voltmeter (volts) sitting at desk near window under desk near light stair window
Investigating Solar Panels How does the size of the panel affect the voltage? Put the following statements in order - Collect a solar cell, multimeter and two wires. Measure the voltage on the meter Do it again with different sizes of solar panel Connect the meter to the solar cell
Investigating Solar Panels How does the size of the panel affect the voltage? Results Size of solar panel Reading on Voltmeter (volts) Whole panel Half panel Quarter panel Was there a pattern? How could we improve next time?
Investigating Solar Panels How does the angle of the panel affect the voltage? Put the following statements in order - Collect a solar cell, multimeter and two wires. Measure the voltage on the meter Do it again with solar panel at different angles Connect the meter to the solar cell
Investigating Solar Panels How does the angle of the panel affect the voltage? Results Angle of solar panel Reading on Voltmeter (volts) flat steep standing up Was there a pattern? How could we improve next time?
Investigating Solar Panels How does the brightness of the bulb affect the voltage? Put the following statements in order - Collect a solar cell, multimeter and two wires, a power supply two wires and a bulb. Switch on and measure the voltage on the meter Do it again with the bulb at different brightness Connect the meter to the solar cell and the bulb to the power supply.
Investigating Solar Panels How does the brightness of the bulb affect the voltage? Results Brightness of bulb Reading on Voltmeter (volts) Dull Medium Bright Very Bright Was there a pattern? How could we improve next time?
Sources and use of energy Do a survey to find which sources of energy we use to heat our homes. Find out about renewable and non- renewable sources of energy.
Sources and use of energy Which appliance costs the most to use? kettle fan hair drier (hot) hair drier (cold) laptop heater radio lamp
Sources and use of energy Appliance Guessed Order (most expensive first) CostReal Order kettle fan hair drier (hot) hair drier (cold) laptop heater radio lamp
Ways to save money at home What to do...Why this helps save money. Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need Leave hot water in your sink or bath until it cools down. Do not leave your TV or computer on standby overnight. Have a shower instead of a bath. Put lids on saucepans when cooking. Hang your washing outside to dry instead of using a tumble dryer. Change light bulbs to energy saving bulbs Wash clothes at 30 o C not 40 o C
Ways to save money at home What to do...Why this helps save money. Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need It takes more energy to heat more water. This costs more. Leave hot water in your sink or bath until it cools down. The heat energy in the water helps heat the house. Pouring it down the drain wastes heat energy. Do not leave your TV or computer on standby overnight. Even the little red light on your TV or computer needs energy. This costs money Have a shower instead of a bath. A bath uses 5 times more hot water than a shower. Water costs a lot to heat up. Put lids on saucepans when cooking. If you don’t have a lid, some heat escapes and so more is needed. This costs money. Hang your washing outside to dry instead of using a tumble dryer. The sun and the wind are free. A tumble dryer costs money to use. Change light bulbs to energy saving bulbs Energy saving bulbs cost less to run and last longer. Wash clothes at 30 o C not 40 o C The hotter the water, the more it costs to heat up.
Ways to save money at home Making a Survey What questions will we ask? Who will we give the survey to? How long will we give them to complete it? What will we do with our results?
Energy Energy changers ð Operate appliances and spot energy changes ð Build a roller or projectile launcher and investigate. ð Investigate wind up toys Find the energy content of different types of food.
Energy Heat energy ð Investigate heating solids, liquids and gases ð Test conductivity of metals ð Test materials for best insulator Find out about heat loss from houses and ways to insulate them Find out about times needed to cook foods
Passing HEAT through metals MaterialTime (seconds) Steel190 Brass67 Aluminium42 Copper33