Electricity & Types of Circuits- Page TSW DESCRIBE DIFFERENT FORMS OF ENERGY (ELECTRICITY).7.4- TSW DESCRIBE DIFFERENT FORMS OF ENERGY (ELECTRICITY). Electricity- the flow of electronsElectricity- the flow of electrons between points having different electrical charges Direction of Electron Flow- Out of negative end, into positive end Direction of Electron Flow- Out of negative end, into positive end –In order for electrons to flow, they need a source (like a battery), a path (a conductor), and this path must form a complete circuit (like a loop)
6.14- TSW DEMONSTRATE THE PROPERTIES THAT CAN BE USED TO IDENTIFY MATTER: CONDUCTIVITY. Conductor- Material through which electrons can easily flow; conduct electricity wellConductor- Material through which electrons can easily flow; conduct electricity well –Most metals are good conductors ex: copper, gold, silver –Current- the flow of electricity in a conductor Insulator- Material in which electrons are slowed down; keep electricity from movingInsulator- Material in which electrons are slowed down; keep electricity from moving –Insulators are common: most plastics, wood, glass, leather, etc. –Resistance- The opposition to the movement of electric charges flowing through a material. An electric current will always flow the path of least resistance
Types of Circuits Circuit- a complete path consisting of electronic elements (conductors, resistors, etc.) through which electric current moves Switch- A device used to open and close an electric circuit Simple Circuit- A circuit containing the minimum things needed to have a functioning electric circuit. A simple circuit requires three (3) things: 1.A source of electricity or voltage (ex. battery or electrical outlet) 2.A conductive path which would allow for the movement of charges. (ex. wire) 3.An electrical resistance (resistor), or load; loosely defined as any object that uses electricity to do work (ex. a light bulb, electric motor, heater, speaker, etc.)
Broken Simple Circuit = No light
Types of Circuits Series Circuit- A simple loop with all loads connected in a line –Bulbs share the voltage of the battery Ex. If the battery is 9V, and there are two bulbs, each bulb gets 4.5 volts –If one light is disconnected, then the other(s) loses power.
Types of Circuits Parallel Circuit- Two loops, both connected to the battery, each with its own load –Bulbs have the full voltage of the battery. –Bulbs in the parallel circuit will be brighter than those in the series circuit. –If one light is disconnected, then the other(s) remains powered.
Packet 16, Page 4 Static electricity- build up of charges on an object –Rub two materials together –Electrons pulled off one surface, relocated on other surface Lose electrons + charge; gain electrons - charge +/- attract; -/- repel; +/+ repel Static discharge- spark/shock; the loss of static electricity as electric charges move off an object in an attempt to become neutrally charged
Track A: Circular Go-Kart track vs. Series electrical circuit If you add another car to the Go-Kart track, what do you think will happen to the speed of the other cars? –They will slow down because they don’t have any where else to go. What will happen to the green car if the orange car breaks down on the track? –The green car will have to stop, because there is no way for it to go around.
Track B: Figure 8 Go-Kart track vs. Parallel electrical circuit If you add another car to the track, what do you think will happen to the speed of the other cars? –They will stay at the same speed because they have more options of where they can go. What will happen to the green car if the orange car breaks down on the track? –The green car will keep going, because there are other ways that it can keep driving around.
Electricity/Magnetism Videos How Electricity is Created from Magnets –9.15- Start 3.50 end 6.18 Electricity_and_Magnetism__Current_Elect ricity 16.58Electricity_and_Magnetism__Current_Elect ricity –Start.36 end 7.29
Bellwork: Tuesday 5/29/2012 Match the word to its definition 1.Current 2.Electricity 3.Circuit the movement of electrons between points having different electrical charges a complete path consisting of electronic elements (conductors, resistors, etc.) through which electric current moves the flow of electricity in a conductor School House ROCK!
Electricity/Magnetism Videos How Electricity is Created from Magnets –9.15- Start 3.50 end 6.18 Electricity_and_Magnetism__Current_Elect ricity 16.58Electricity_and_Magnetism__Current_Elect ricity –Start.36 end 7.29
Electric current flow is necessary for electric shock, but only happens from places of voltage differences –both the bird's feet are at the same voltage Most birds perch on electrical wires perfectly safely—but there are some dangers. In particular, large birds such as eagles have wingspans wide enough that they occasionally brush two parallel wires with their wingtips, which completes the electrical circuit and allows electricity to run through the bird's body, killing them. –This is a serious problem in certain desert areas where the birds use the electrical poles for nesting, due to limited other options.
Circuit Review: Series circuit- An electric circuit with one path for the current to take. Parallel circuit- An electric circuit with several paths for the current to take. Flow of electrons In an electrical circuit, electricity flows from the negative end to the positive end
Symbols- Circuit diagrams- Page 5 If Circuits A and C are the same, and Circuits B and E are the same, what is the symbol for: 1). wire, 2). light bulb, 3). battery, 4). switch?
Circuit Diagram Symbols- Page TSW IDENTIFY AND SKETCH THE COMPONENTS OF AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT. Wires are shown as straight lines between the different circuit symbols Cell vs. Battery –Single battery = cell –Two or more cells connected together = battery
Circuit Diagrams Use circuit symbols instead of drawing each component in the circuit. Always make the wires straight lines –don't be tempted to make them wiggly –the whole point is to make it easier to see what is connected to what Below: A simple circuit– 1 cell, 1 light, 2 wires. Draw the circuit diagram (using symbols), include arrows to show the direction of electron flow. TIP: Draw the circuit symbols first, and then add all the wires.
Series Circuit- 1 cell, 3 bulbs, 5 wires, 1 switch
Practice with Circuits DO NOT unscrew the light bulbs to make this work!! With your group, create a series circuit and a parallel circuit.With your group, create a series circuit and a parallel circuit. Challenge: Try to get a light bulb to light using only:Challenge: Try to get a light bulb to light using only: –1 wire –1 bulb –1 battery Homework: Pg. 6 left side “Will these Circuits work?”Homework: Pg. 6 left side “Will these Circuits work?”
Bellwork: Wednesday 5/30/ In a series circuit with three bulbs, adding another bulb will make the nearest bulb brighter make some of the bulbs dimmer make all the bulbs brighter make all the bulbs dimmer 2.In a parallel circuit with three bulbs, the bulbs must all be located on the same branch there is only one path for the current to take current from each bulb has its own path the overall resistance increases if a new branch is added. 1. In a series circuit, adding another bulb will make all the bulbs dimmer! 2. In a parallel circuit, current from each bulb has its own path!
Housekeeping Turn in: –Quarter 4 OOPS Pass FINISHED Study guide DUE MONDAY Monday- Study Guide Review… Jeopardy? NOW: Electricity!!
Electricity Lab- Page TSW BUILD A SYSTEM THAT GENERATES ELECTRICITY. - Explain materials and how to use them -Read through tasks -Explain picking up of materials -Draw the circuit, show electron flow, and when the light is lit, raise your hand so you can get signed off!